Government parties and (m), (c) and (kd) (the Alliance archbishop coleman carroll parties even if (fp) is missing) agree on increased funding for defense with the initial 1.3 billion years in 2016 rising to 2.5 billion years in 2020, along with a number of extended Swedish abilities. The agreement is good in its ambition on paper, but lacks sufficient archbishop coleman carroll funding and will not be feasible while maintaining professional military.
Supreme Commander had notoriously requested 18 billion during the mandate period, to even meet the old fine organization IO2014. Now it will grant 10.2 billion, while the number of missing physical abilities to be acquired and the army's maneuver battalions will be increased by one and a half battalions, or 21%. CV 90 with authentic patina. The Government and the Alliance parties are honest with that of these 10.2 billion will be 1.7 billion drained by tax increases for young people under 26, and to Fortifikationsverket to raise their rents in the Armed Forces facilities. Actual budget improvement is thus 10.2-1.7 = 8.5 billion instead of the Supreme Commander's required 18 billion. On the list of what thing procured and implemented can be found below. New dressings A motorized infantry battalion (1st or 12th battalion?), Based in Kungsangen and will be added to the additional option of patgb 360. Thus retains 72nd Battalion of Revinge the heavier combat vehicles 90. A motorized infantry battalion is faster to regroup long distances while maintaining their combat value than one mechanized battalion archbishop coleman carroll and can thus quickly establish meats wall at the opponent's bridgehead. 7th light battalion reorganized to be airborne, archbishop coleman carroll like in my novel Midsummer Dawn, which it was before 2009. Previously, the Life Guards in Kungsängen and Life Regiment Hussars in Karlsborg set up this battalion together, it is not clear if it now only be set up Karlsborg, archbishop coleman carroll which however is reasonable for Kungsangen to put up 1st / 12th Battalion. Airborne's about the whole battalion to be regrouped by helicopter and transport aircraft, even only by helicopter, and thus becomes a rapid response units that can be grouped archbishop coleman carroll anywhere in the country in a short time. Battlegroup Gotland organized by a mechanized company (not motorized, ie it will have 90 combat vehicles and not patgb 360), and a tank company organized on Gotland. This corresponds Battlegroups Gotland (same name) from my novel Midvintermörker. Gotland's training group also reinforced for increased exercises and training activities. Units must be contracted units, ie staff not conscripts (see below). Battlegroup Gotland is beyond the Army's planned eight battalions, and the total can see it as 8.5 battalions. Aerospace Force's basbataljoner amplified and the ability to spread archbishop coleman carroll by air forces archbishop coleman carroll increases. This is done by all four squadrons will be war units, including the training squadrons (F 16 Ärna outside Uppsala or Helicopter Wing at Malmen in Linköping ?, except F 7 Såtenäs) Notification capacity expanded, of course, unspecified. New equipment Combat Airborne mortar systems supplied to the five mechanized battalions. Most likely it is about non sourced AMOS. Towers, and the carriages are standing in storage at the suppliers where the assembly of the towers was interrupted by the 'implementation group under Moderates management. An acquisition should therefore take place immediately. This is a massive gain and förmågeökning for the mechanized battalions, which may be substantially higher striking power and mobility, especially archbishop coleman carroll with the homing anti-tank grenade STRIX in AMOS carriages. In my novel Midsummer Dawn Amos introduced, archbishop coleman carroll so this is in line with the fiction. Brobandvagnar supplied. This ability is missing today, and the mechanized units today can not even cross a wide ditch. Additional anti-armor capability is supplied to the two motorized battalions, ie existing 71st Battalion and the new (first?) Battalion in the Life Guards. This is therefore anti-tank missiles. However, Bill-2 scrapped, so presumably we're talking about TOW. Home Guard supplied battalion conductivity and mortars. This is a greatly increased capacity, which gives the Home Guard support archbishop coleman carroll weapons and the possibility of indirect fire. If it is 120 mm mortars can be via the targeting anti-tank grenade STRIX also get the ability archbishop coleman carroll to as fight all kinds of vehicles, including tanks, something it lacked a realistic ability to do before. Personal equipment and ammunition procured. This includes standard vehicles, radio equipment, night vision equipment, ammunition, tanks and mortars, new anti-tank weapons mm. Two corvettes Gävle Class (assuming you mean Gothenburg class, archbishop coleman carroll where HMS Gävle and HMS Sundsvall are still in use) is modified mainly archbishop coleman carroll modernized submarine warfare capability and lifetime is extended until the 2020s. Two surveillance boats modified
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