Monday, June 30, 2014

Scientists cardiologist of Washington found that heart astronauts in space gradually change shape a

Cosmonaut or astronaut is a term for people who have undergone training in human space flight program for lead, fly a plane, or be crew spacecraft. (
Scientists cardiologist of Washington found that heart astronauts in space gradually change shape and become rounded. This only happens after a long stay in space because the heart does not work like on Earth.
Scientists have been monitoring the health of 12 astronauts, they all conduct themselves with the help of an ultrasonic device located in the ISS, taking pictures of the heart. All photos taken by learned experts, who concluded that at the heart of the cosmos is gradually transformed from 9.4%, it becomes more like a balloon.
"The made 4 fighters heart does not work well at high enough load space, which can lead to loss of muscle mass. This can have serious consequences for astronauts when they return to Earth, and so we try to understand what steps can we take to prevent or cope with this loss, "said James Thomas of the Cleveland Clinic Foundation (USA).
However, made 4 fighters according to the scientists, this change will not last long, so head back to Earth eventually made 4 fighters the heart back into a regular shape. But do not forget that this phenomenon has been little studied so far and scientists do not know exactly how this fact can affect the health of astronauts during their return to Earth, or participate in the next spacecraft.
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Sunday, June 29, 2014

However, even the missionary (NON MUSLIMS) is not like this reporting. But if Allah willed, inciden

Keep in mind, astronaut Sunita Williams is an Ohio born 19 September honeywell ff06 1965 from the old man of Indian descent, Slovenia. Married to Michael J. William, a Federal Police in Oregon, USA.
In his journey to the moon, Sunita William look strange phenomenon during his gaze towards the earth. When others see the dark side of the Earth, the Earth appears to be a small part of the visible honeywell ff06 light of Mecca and Medina.
Dozens of years ago, precisely 1870, Neil Armstrong had experienced a similar incident when his foot landed on the moon. When it was reported he heard a voice in the future it recognizes it as a call to prayer
Precisely when Neil invited seminar at the University of Cairo, Egypt. At the time he presented his lecture, while it shows the azan prayer time, the moderator stopped his presentation to hear the call to prayer. And Neil exclaimed, "This is her first voice I heard when landing on the moon."
But to us who are Muslims, do not have a Neil Armstrong to convince ourselves that Islam is true. If we believe in the right religion, so rest assured that the incident is true.
However, even the missionary (NON MUSLIMS) is not like this reporting. But if Allah willed, incidents were heard the Adhan on the moon, is not an impossible thing. Can they arise.
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Sunita says, from the entire surface of the earth covered with darkness, but how surprised when wit

This shocking news was not the first, previous U.S. astronaut Neil Armstrong came also manifests itself in Islam after returning from the moon. Is this news story? Clear the NON MUSLIM very unhappy with this reporting. Then disebarlah news, that this false news.
Keep in mind, astronaut Sunita Williams is an Ohio born 19 September 1965 from the old man of Indian descent, Slovenia. Married to Michael J. William, a Federal Police in Oregon, USA. As India's first astronaut, he holds the record for women's travel space: space is the longest (195 days), and running out of space (29 hours, 17 minutes).
In his journey to the moon, Sunita William look strange phenomenon during his gaze towards the earth. When others see the dark side of the Earth, the Earth appears to be a small part of the visible ledare light of Mecca and Medina.
Sunita says, from the entire surface of the earth covered with darkness, but how surprised when with the help of a telescope, there are two very different ledare places, ie Makkah and Madinah. Second place seem bright compared to other places dibelahan earth. Jove, Laa Quwwata Billaah Illa.
In addition, other phenomena that are captured during ledare the sound waves from the earth is not capable of crossing the space, he turns out to be catching Azan voice. Is this an anomaly, or is a way of God to show sides Astronaut truth to this? Was reported after the incident, Sunita Williams converted to Islam.
Dozens of years ago, precisely 1870, Neil Armstrong had experienced a similar incident when his foot landed on the moon. When it was reported he heard a voice in the future ledare it recognizes it as a call to prayer
Precisely when Neil invited seminar at the University of Cairo, ledare Egypt. At the time he presented his lecture, while it shows the azan prayer time, the moderator stopped his presentation to hear the call to prayer. And Neil exclaimed, "This is her first voice I heard when landing on the moon."
After that, Neil Armstrong discover one of the professors at the university. He wanted to know more about Islam. And not long after that, he became a convert. Reporting in Islamic Neil Armstrong and Sunita William recent polemic in society.
But to us who are Muslims, do not have a Neil Armstrong to convince ourselves that Islam is true. If we believe in the right religion, so rest assured that the incident is true.
We do not need to use big name Neil Armstrong to allow our religion. Believe me, the name MUHAMMAD SAW big enough for us and the world. Whether its merits Sunita William or Neil Armstrong converted to Islam upon returning from the moon, we hope that Allah SWT guides him.
However, even the missionary (NON MUSLIMS) is not like this reporting. But if Allah willed, incidents were heard the Adhan on the moon, is not an impossible thing. Can they arise. The Western media will never ever tell things that are considered "shake HIS", not only in the U.S., but also around the world.
Once again history proves that even though Islam was accused as a "fool", "plebeian religion", "religious lowly", "religion of the poor", or any accusations, just regular people flocked to follow and the average derived from intelligent people, ledare people who are not only intelligent, but also wise. Praise be to God, walhamdu lillah, wa la ilaha illallah, wallahu releases. From: Various sources
2013 (1) January (1) 2014 (4) December (2) SYMBOLS AND DEFINE SCRIPT BAN ON FOREIGN Astronauts Neil Armstrong and Sunita Williams In I. .. March (1) July (1)

Friday, June 27, 2014

Fill your comment here ... Comments are personal responses, do not represent the policy of the Admi

Images jutte fighter (photos) that circulated widely in cyberspace shows a Pig with monkey face, and claimed that the pig was born in a village jutte fighter in China. The photos show a pig with a monkey's face is ORIGINAL, and stories like the above claim is true. A child with a face like a pig monkey born in a remote village in China. The birth of these animals makes wonder locals. How not, this pig has a prominent forehead, jaws like a monkey, small snout and eyes close to each other (as if the eyes are visible one). Not only that, the pigs front legs are much shorter than its hind legs, so that he has more to jumping than walking. It's very strange and scary, like a Pig Monkey. Pigs are the property of 'Feng Changlin' Fengzhang village, Xiping City, China. Of five pigs were born, only this Pig are abnormal. Inevitably, this became an object of Pigs unique Local travelers there. You can also view the video here: Consider also the story in the Telegraph: A similar Pigs ever existed in Indonesia, a few years ago. But yes it is uniquely Indonesian, hungkan always linked with the supernatural. jutte fighter The headline was made strange "Piglet Head Man" or "Man is condemned so Pig" and so on. Pig-like Monkey is also found in: * Kampung Delang, Wutun Nelle, Nelle, jutte fighter Sikka regency, NTT. * Watuliney, Manado. * And other cities .. Please see here: / 02/babi-berkepala-manusia-gegerkan-manado.html Why so ? Let us learn together .. facial deformation is generally caused by the result of normal brain development jutte fighter disorder called holoprosencephaly. And these disorders can lead to cyclopia (merapatnya eye or abnormal eye formation). Such developmental disorder not only occurs in animals, jutte fighter in humans also can, we will release some time next article about this. You'll want to read about the 'disorder' is, to be vigilant. Regarding holoprosencephaly and Cyclopia, you can see in the reference section. Reference: Hopefully helpful, thank you.
Fill your comment here ... Comments are personal responses, do not represent the policy of the Admin Team and Contributors Indonesian hoaxes. Admin team reserves the right to modify or remove words that are unethical, rude, smelly slander and harassment, intimidation, tend ethnic, religious, racial, and sectarian. Each comment is entirely the responsibility of the sender. Indonesian hoaxes and reserves the right to warn or make it impossible for the reader who violate these provisions. * Prohibited fill the comments with links from adult sites and malicious websites.
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In addition, another phenomenon that the arrest is when the sound waves of the earth is not capable

Indonesiana Worlds World News International Jihad Islamia Analysis Aqeedah Worship tsaqofah Jihad fie Sabilillah Consultation of Religious Liberalism Daily Benediction CounterFaith f 18 jet Christology Intelligent Leaks OpiniRedaksi SmartTeen ShareVoices Muslim Citizens Journalism Recent f 18 jet Events Testimonials friendship IslamixTube IDC
Related Stories Minister of Religion: The Beginning of Ramadan fasting on Sunday June 29, 2014 Research Team ITB and Bosscha State Hard Seen Today Hilal UN Letter: Capture Wiranto 'Violate Human Rights' in 1998 and East Timor Yulianis: 'Project Black Eagle', Nazaruddin Anas Defamation Victims
(VOA-Islam) - A short message about the news spread conversion to Islam Sunita f 18 jet Williams, f 18 jet the first Indian woman astronaut who went on-month in July 2, 2007 last. This horrendous news is not the first, previous astronaut Neil Armstrong f 18 jet from the United States also said he converted to Islam back from the moon. Is this a hoax? Christian parties are definitely not happy with this news. Then disebarlah news, that this is a hoax.
Keep in mind, astronaut Sunita Williams is an Ohio-born 19 September 1965 from parents bred India-Slovenia. Married to Michael f 18 jet J. Williams, a Federal Police in Oregon, USA. As India's first astronaut, he holds the record for spacewalks to women: being in space the longest (195 days), and running out of space (29 hours, 17 minutes).
On his way to the moon, Sunita William saw a strange phenomenon as his gaze toward the earth. When other parts of the world seems dark, there was a small part of the earth is visible light that is of Mecca and Medina.
Sunita said, over the entire surface of the earth covered with darkness, but how shocked when with the help of a telescope there are two very different places, ie Makkah f 18 jet and Madinah. Second place was visible light compared to other places hemisphere. Mashallah, Allah is great.
In addition, another phenomenon that the arrest is when the sound waves of the earth is not capable of reaching space, he was able to capture the sound of Adhan. Is this an oddity, or a way of God to show the truth to the sides of the astronaut? f 18 jet Reportedly after this event, Sunita f 18 jet Williams converted to Islam.
Looking f 18 jet back, in 1870, Neil Armstrong landed on the moon. Reportedly, when landing on the moon, he heard a voice that he did not understand what it was. After 12 years later, Neil was invited seminar at the University of Cairo, Egypt.
At the time he presented a paper, when adzan show prayer times, moderator for the presentation stop listening prayer. And Neil exclaimed, "This is the first time he's sound I heard when landing on the moon." f 18 jet After that, Neil Armstrong met one of the professors at the university. He wants to know a lot about Islam. And after that, he converted to Islam.
Coverage conversions to Neil Armstrong and Sunita William later being debated in the community. An Australian Muslim convert Gene Netto in a personal blog saying, "Friends, fellow Muslims, please do not talk about Neil Amrstrong f 18 jet in the last month to hear the Adhan. Because in some sites in English (to review the Islamic world), we considered stupid, they regard ignorance of the Islamic world because they do not want to accept reality 'American Kafir' who first set foot on the moon the first time, not the Muslims. "
Sites or blogs that discuss Neil Armstrong became a Muslim are sites in Southeast Asia (Morocco, the Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia). West regard, the countries here have low education. Never happened when Neil Armstrong to Malaysia and asked about it. He wondered if something like this needs to be confirmed to Neil Armstrong himself, as Neil himself never to Makkah for Hajj implement. And if answered, he never heard the adhan, the Muslim f 18 jet questioner was disappointed and did not believe was considered folly. Neil had indeed been to Egypt, but not for the pilgrimage to Mecca.
It is said Gene Netto, Muslims do not need a Neil Armstrong to convince himself that his Muslim religion f 18 jet is true. If you believe religion is true, then Believe that it is true. Muslims considered using the name of Neil Armstrong's great to justify his religion.
"The less we say we believe in the religion itself that needs great names of the western world. Trust me, the name Rasullullah big enough for us and the world. The people of our own which ended up being the laughing stock, enough already, "said Gene who had converted to Islam and lived in Jakarta.
It is said Gene Netto, Neil Armstrong was troubled, he even stated he did not convert to Islam and

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Sunita Williams wraps up space odyssey 11 Jun, 2007 l 1024 hrs ISTlPTI fundamentals of astrodynamics

#Welcome to the Tought of Pious Muslims website# HORAS MADINA On Sekedar iseng-iseng don,tapi na marguna,isi ni blog on inda sude na u karang dot tulis sandiri,tapi adong juo na di buat ngon marmocom-mocom website na lain,Pala adong na urang deges di tibalan na,Wajar arana gorarna fundamentals of astrodynamics and applications pe iseng-iseng,lagi pe bahat dope Tugas na um porlu selain mangurus on,tai pala adong saran bisa di E-mail atau di SMS(Telp)tu au,dohot godang ni roa au martarimo kasi tu barisan ni na mambaca iseng-iseng on
Sunita Williams wraps up space odyssey 11 Jun, 2007 l 1024 hrs ISTlPTI fundamentals of astrodynamics and applications IT’S TIME TO GO HOME: A file photo of Indian American astronaut Sunita Williams, who is all set to return home after wrapping up her six-month long tour of duty as a station crew member. She switched places fundamentals of astrodynamics and applications with mission specialist Clayton Anderson (Reuters Photo) HOUSTON: Amidst fundamentals of astrodynamics and applications greetings, hugs and handshakes with the 11-member shuttle Atlantis crew, who arrived at the orbiting outpost, Indian American astronaut Sunita Williams wrapped up her six-month long tour of duty as a station crew member by switching places with mission specialist Clayton Anderson. Sunita will now start packing her stuff to return home on June 19 after her longest and wonderful sojourn in space. She is looking forward and longing to meet her family, especially her parents, Deepak fundamentals of astrodynamics and applications and Bonnie Pandya, her husband Michael Williams and above all her special dog, "Gorby". However, amid the smiles and salutations, questions remained unanswered about a section of peeled-back thermal blanket on the shuttle. Engineers fundamentals of astrodynamics and applications continued to review photographs of the affected area to determine whether it could pose a problem when Atlantis returns to Earth. NASA is taking no chances after the Colombia disaster in February 2003, when Indian-born astronaut Kalpana Chawla and six other crew members perished mid-air. fundamentals of astrodynamics and applications The shuttle disintegrated on re-entry to earth when a protective foam tile shook loose and a hole burned into the shuttle's body. NASA engineers are focusing their attention on a gap about 4 inches by 6 inches that was discovered after Friday's launch from Kennedy Space Center. Engineers weren't sure whether stitching on the blanket came loose or whether the blanket, covering a pod of engines near the shuttle's tail, was hit by debris during launch. Hatches between the two spacecraft opened about about one-and-a-half hours after the shuttle docked with the space station. "Atlantis arriving," Sunita Williams, said after the traditional ringing of a bell. Atlantis' astronauts floated into the space station's fundamentals of astrodynamics and applications Destiny fundamentals of astrodynamics and applications laboratory and hugged each of the station's residents, which includes the commander, fundamentals of astrodynamics and applications Fyodor Yurchikhin, and the cosmonaut Oleg Kotov. After exchanging greetings and receiving fundamentals of astrodynamics and applications a safety briefing, both crews resumed work. Prior to Atlantis' fundamentals of astrodynamics and applications arrival, fundamentals of astrodynamics and applications the astronaut Danny Olivas took additional photographs from inside the shuttle of the area where the thermal blanket had peeled back. The images were sent to Mission Control for analysis. Astronauts inside the space station also took photographs of the shuttle's belly when Atlantis was 600 feet below the orbiting outpost. Nasa engineers are focusing on a gap about 4 inches by 6 inches that was discovered after Friday's launch from Kennedy Space Center. Engineers were not sure whether stitching on the blanket came loose or whether fundamentals of astrodynamics and applications the blanket, covering a pod of engines near the shuttle's tail, was hit by debris during launch. The rest of the vehicle appeared fundamentals of astrodynamics and applications to be in fine shape, Nasa said. Sensors reported six hits on the wing during launch, but engineers were not concerned. After the Columbia disaster, a shuttle repair kit was included in all shuttle missions. fundamentals of astrodynamics and applications Meanwhile, after a busy Sunday at the International Space Station, attention has turned to the mission's first spacewalk. The excursion, which will focus on the on-orbit assembly of the station, is slated to begin at 1:53 p.m. EDT Monday. Space Shuttle Atlantis and the STS-117 crew arrived at the station on Sunday at 3:36 pm, delivering a new truss segment and crew member to the orbital outpost. The STS-117 crew entered the station for the first time after the hatches between the shuttle and station opened at 5:04 pm. The STS-117 astronauts quickly jumped into joint operations with the station's Expedition 15 crew. The crews also began preparations for Monday's installation of the Starboard 3 and 4 (S3/S4) truss segment and the spacewalk. The crews used the shuttle robotic arm to lift the S3/S4 out of Atlantis' payload bay and to hand it off to the station arm. The S3/S4, which contains a new set of solar arrays, is scheduled to be attached to the station prior to the start of the spacewalk conducted by STS-117 fundamentals of astrodynamics and applications Mission Specialists John "Danny" Olivas and Jim Reilly. Olivas and Reilly are spending the night in the station's Quest Airlock in preparation for the spacewalk. Source: Sunita William's return delayed by two days 12 Jun, 2007 l 1628 hrs

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

This is a phenomenon that is still not known were correct, however, has been recognized in various

Born on 19 September 1965, he was a Naval officer and a NASA astronaut in the United Serikat.bergabung aerospace design with the International Space Station! and as a member of Expedition 14 and then joined Expedition to 15, and the record is successful effort has been exploring Space longest for 195 days to as a female astronaut.
He did his first expedition to Bulanpada dated 02/07/2007, and have found a miracle they look to the earth, and all the faces seem! Earth looks very dark (black), aerospace design but there are two places on earth that looks like a glittering and shining. They were surprised to see it and they want to see more clearly with rocks telescope aerospace design and know that both places are Mecca and Madinah.dan when the Moon all frequencies fail unless they could only hear the sound of the call to prayer.
* The above email sharing, more because of Herri moved spontaneously. Does Sunita Williams had been converted to Islam? *. Herri itself until now do not know for sure. Simple answer to the above question follows: ** Did Sunita Williams convert to Islam? **
Answer: While I do not know what religion he is, this question may refer to a hoax that has been around aerospace design claiming that he converted to Islam because of the things he saw while on the moon. The claim refers to him as the first Indian aerospace design woman on the moon! . This is absolutely false. Not only is he not the first Indian aerospace design woman on the moon, no women at all in yet. He lived on the ISS for some time, but obviously aerospace design did not go to the moon! Gross factual error only shows the credibility of the claim. No similar aerospace design claim about another celebrity who is also mainly due to the enthusiasm of an evangelist.
This is a phenomenon that is still not known were correct, however, has been recognized in various versions of virtual world that astronaut lady has! converted to Islam after kepulanganya of the Moon above kesaksianya, but at least he has witnessed with his own eyes on the greatness of Almighty GOD, natural Wawlahu bisawab.
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Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Did you know? The cause of the extinction of the dinosaurs at 6

When other parts of the world seems dark, there was a small part of the earth is visible light that is of Mecca and Medina. maritime museum vancouver Sunita Williams, an Indian first astronaut on July 2, 2007 are in outer space, saying that over the entire surface of the earth shrouded in darkness, maritime museum vancouver but the surprise when with the help of a telescope there are two very different places, namely Mecca and Medina. Second place was visible light compared to other places hemisphere. Period of Allah, Allah is great.
In addition, maritime museum vancouver another phenomenon that the arrest is when the sound waves of the earth is not capable of reaching space, he was able to capture the sound of Adhan. Is this an oddity, or a way of God to show the truth to the sides of the astronaut?. Dikhabarkan after this event, Sunita Williams spontaneously converted to Islam. Allahu Akbar, when this khabar is a truth.
Sunita Williams alone is an Ohio-born astronaut dated 19 September 1965 from parents bred India-Slovenia. Married to Michael J. Williams, a Federal Police in Oregon, USA. As India's first astronaut, he holds the record for spacewalks to women: being in space the longest (195 days), and running out of space (29 hours, 17 minutes). When will Indonesia be like this woman?.
Did you know? Alien is a living thing that is similar to humans who are outside angkasa.Kemunculan aliens have occurred since the first kala.Di estimate there are aliens who may be widespread in the universe ini.Bentuknya all kinds, in addition to intangibles like humans there is also a tangible insects giants, animals, and other-lain.Banyak people who do not believe the existence of aliens, but many of them believe it. Usually aliens travel from one planet / galaxy to planets / galaxy using a vehicle similar to a giant circular disc, which happened to be across the globe UFO UFO.Kemunculan frequent lately ini.Pernah also found an alien corpse in a region in America States. Read More episodes Sciences others are certainly interesting and insightful.
Did you know? All living beings or inanimate objects in the world is made up of small materials named atom.Atom not be viewed by the naked eye, but using a special tool called electroencephalograph (EEG), because the size is very small (1/1 billion cm) . But who is someone who first discovered this little matter? John was born on SU Representative Dalton.Ia on 6 September maritime museum vancouver 1766.Dalam his theory he says that all matter consists of atoms which can not be divided maritime museum vancouver again, and all atoms of the same element in the weight and nature; different elements have different atomic species and different severity, as well as atoms can not be destroyed and the only change in the composition of a chemical reaction (this is also the basis of the law of multiple parts). John Dalton died in his bed on July 27, 1844. Read More episodes Sciences others definitely exciting and insightful.
Did you know? Penicillin has helped a lot in the treatment of bacteria and viruses in the world kedokteran.Tapi, who the inventor of penicillin? Well, the person named Sir Alexander was born in Inggris.Pertama Fleming.Ia time he discovered penicillin when researching fungi that can reduce the infection on disease The kulit.Jamur was not the virulent fungus, but the fungus that jinak.Nama latin of penicillin is penicillin, sp. Read More episodes Sciences are certainly interesting and insightful.
Did you know? The human brain consists of three parts, namely a large brain (cerebrum), brain (cerebellum), and large otak.Otak Trunk (cerebrum) is divided into two parts, namely the right brain and the right brain functioning kiri.Otak when we meendengarkan music, painting / drawing, imagination, and other artistic activities, as well as to move the body parts kiri.Sedangkan maritime museum vancouver left brain functioning at the time of our writing, reading, arithmetic, and logical thinking, as well as to move the body parts kanan.Kebanyakan always count on her left brain to perform activities , but did you know that we have a left brain memory power is relatively low in comparison with our right brain. Read More episodes Sciences others are certainly interesting and insightful.
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Did you know? The cause of the extinction of the dinosaurs at 6

2014 (10) April (2) April 13 (2) March (7) March 19 (2) March 13 (1) March 01 (4) J

Biography: Born on 19 September 1965, he was a Naval officer and a NASA astronaut in the United Serikat.bergabung with the International Space Station and as a member of Expedition 14 and then joined Expedition to 15, and the record is successful effort has been exploring Space longest for 195 days to as a female astronaut. Quote: Expedition and testimony: He did his first expedition to Bulanpada dated 02/07/2007, and have found a miracle nasa dragon they look to the earth, and the earth seemed all faces look very dark (black), but there are two places on earth that shines and looks like shimmering. They were surprised to see it and they want to see more clearly with rocks telescope nasa dragon and know that both places are Mecca & The Moon Madinah.dan when all frequencies fail unless they could only hear the sound of the call to prayer. Quote: Sunita Williams (First Indian woman who went on a space journey few months back) accepted "ISLAM" Masha Allah, bcoz when they were on the moon, they saw towards EARTH, the entire EARTH looked dark, but 2 places on the EARTH GLITERED & looked like SPARKS (Roshni). They were shocked to see that and saw them with the help of telescope nasa dragon and came to know that those two places were "MAKKAH" and "MEDINA" Masha Allah!. Then They decided that after reaching to earth they'll accept "ISLAM". So be proud u'r a muslim. Allah Hafiz Quote: Spoiler for pict: Spoiler nasa dragon for the truth: nasa dragon Quote: Quote: nasa dragon Note: The above email-sharing, more because of Herri "spontaneously excited". Does Sunita Williams had been converted to Islam?. Herri itself until now do not know for sure. Simple answer to the above question follows: nasa dragon "Did Sunita Williams convert to Islam?" Spoiler for answers: Quote: Answer: While I do not know what religion she is, this question may refer to a hoax that has been around the which claims that she converted to Islam Because of things that she saw while on the moon. The claim Refers to her as the 'first Indian woman on the moon'. This is completely false. Not only is she not the first Indian nasa dragon woman on the moon, there have been no women at all on the moon as yet. She did live on the ISS for a time, but definitely did not go to the moon! The gross factual errors alone show the credibility of the claim. Similar claims exist about other celebrities too roomates are mainly due to evangelist enthusiasm. In her recent visit to Gujarat, India the country to the which she originally belonged, during a press meet she never Claimed that she had embraced Islam. Quote: Spoiler for meaning: Answer: While I do not know what religion he is, this question may refer to a hoax that has been around claiming that he converted nasa dragon to Islam because nasa dragon of the things he saw while on the moon. The claim refers to him as "the first Indian woman in the moon '. This is absolutely false. Not only is he not the first Indian woman on the moon, no women at all in yet. He lived on the ISS for some time, but obviously did not go to the moon! Gross factual error only shows the credibility of the claim. No similar claim about another celebrity who is also mainly due to the enthusiasm of an evangelist. In his last visit to Gujarat, India states that originally belonged to him, during a press meet he never claimed that he had embraced Islam.sumber nasa dragon (Wikipedia, Quote: This is a phenomenon that is still not known were correct, but it has been recognized from The various versions of virtual world that the astronauts woman had converted to Islam after kepulanganya of the Moon above kesaksianya, but at least he has witnessed with his own eyes on the greatness of Almighty nasa dragon GOD, natural Wawlahu bisawab.
Between Maria Selena, Liza Elly Purnamasari, Ayu Ting Ting, Norman Kamaru and Hj. Hartinah
2014 (10) April (2) April 13 (2) March (7) March 19 (2) March 13 (1) March 01 (4) January (1) January 12 (1) 2013 (7) September (1) September 07 (1) January (4) June 07 (4) April (2) April 17 (2) 2012 (42) January (1) December 18 (1) October (7) October nasa dragon 30 (3) October 23 (4) January (1) Jun 13 (1) April (6) April 19 (2) April 08 (2) April 07 (1) April 05 (1) January (27) January 14 (9) January nasa dragon 13 (2) Indian astronaut Sunita William Yang in Islam Set ... Hawking: Humans must Can Stay

Monday, June 23, 2014

She is married to Michael J. Williams, white jets a Federal Police Officer in Oregon. Both have bee

Sunita Williams was born in Euclid, Ohio from father Deepak Pandya and Bonnie Pandya's mother, who lives in Falmouth, Massachusetts. Dr. Deepak Pandya is a famous neuroanatomist. From his father's side he is a descendant of Gujarat India. Mother Slovenian descent. Then William is a descendant of American Indian Slovenia.
She is married to Michael J. Williams, white jets a Federal Police Officer in Oregon. Both have been married for over 20 years, and both flew in a helicopter in the early days of their careers. His passion is running, swimming, cycling, triathlon, windsurfing, snowboarding and bow hunting.
Williams is the second white jets woman of Indian heritage has been selected by NASA for a space mission after Kalpana Chawla and the second astronaut of Slovenian heritage after Ronald M. Sega. She holds three records for female space travelers: longest spaceflight (195 days), number of spacewalks (four), and total time spent on spacewalks (29 hours and 17 minutes).
Williams School in Needham High School, Needham, Massachusetts, graduating in 1983. Continuing Bachelor of Science white jets in Physical science from the U.S. Naval Academy in 1987. Degree of Master of Science in Engineering Management from Florida Institute of Technology in 1995
Williams entered as a soldier in the U.S. Navy from the U.S. Naval Academy in May 1987. Designated as a Naval Aviator him in 1989 and graduated from the Naval Test Pilot School in 1993.
Selected by NASA in June 1998. Williams began training in August 1998 as a candidate astonot. He participated in the orientation briefings and tours, scientific and technical briefings, intensive instruction in Shuttle white jets and International Space Station systems. This includes physiological training and basic education to prepare Penerbagnan white jets T38 and learn survival techniques in water and desert. After a period of training and evaluation, Williams was sent to Moscow in the Russian Space Agency on the Russian contribution to the ISS. On return of Expedition 1, Williams practicing in the field of robotics on the ISS Robotic Manipulator Arm and specialized skills training. William was then elected as the crew on NEEMO 2 mission, living underwater in the Aquarius habitat for nine days in May 2002.
In 2008, Williams served as Deputy Chief of the NASA Astronaut Office. He was assigned as a backup crew member for Expedition 30 to the International StasiunAntariksa to be flown in 2011 and will be the commander of the Expedition, a mission scheduled for six months starting in spring 2012.
Sunita Williams began the long journey into space on July 2, 2007. He said that the entire surface of the earth when seen from space look dark, but he was surprised to see with a telescope there are 2 different white jets places appearance. The two places are Mecca and Medina, the two places looks bright when compared to other places on earth. white jets God is great. white jets
As we all know, if the situation in space does not allow us could hear any noise. Sunita Williams is also very shocked, she could hear the sound of Adhan. Indeed Allah is Great and Almighty, whether it sebuat signs latest white jets discoveries in the field of astronomy white jets or maybe it was the sides of the truth astronaut? Mashallah, only Allah the All-knowing, that the signs of God.
Try to look at this information: Evidence of Hoax Williams went to the International Space Station, not to the moon. The last moon landing (Apollo white jets 17) was on December 7, 1972, [5] and Eugene Cernan is, to date, the last person to have walked on the Moon. [6] She is also not the "first Indian woman who went on a space journey ". The Indian-American astronaut, Kalpana Chawla, was the first woman of Indian ethnicity to fly in space. [7] The state claims that They decided, upon returning to earth, they would accept Islam. However, when setting off toward the International Space Station, Williams had taken with her a copy of the Bhagavad Gita and a small statue of Lord Ganesha, [8] and following her return to earth on June 22, 2007, she Showed no signs of having converted to Islam. In fact, she Claimed Lord Ganesha, not God, was looking after her. source: (Conversion_to_Islam) August 8, 2011 20:00
Evidence of Hoax Williams went to the International Space Station, not to the moon. The last moon landing (Apollo 17) was on December 7, 1972, [5] and Eugene Cernan is, to date, the last person to have walked on the Moon. [6] She is also not the "first white jets Indian woman who went on a space journey ". The Indian-American astronaut, Kalpana Chawla, was the first woman of Indian white jets ethnicity to fly in space. [7] The state claims that They decided, upon returning to earth, they would accept Islam. However, when setting off

Sunday, June 22, 2014

If it is not reported by the tens of thousands of news sites competing to get the news the most exc

There is no single news site that justifies this information. There are only an email distributed everywhere. Aside from that, the information is also false because this statement: "... when they were on the moon ..."
Information in this email is also very unreasonable because not only Sunita, but all his colleagues also "converted to Islam" after returning to earth. Means there are approximately 7-10 astronaut who converted to Islam at the same time, but no newspaper, television station or a single news sites around the world that discuss it. There is only an e-mail distributed to everywhere. (By contrast, Hollywood actress Pa ris Hilton go to jail for one day and all the news sites discussed, including in Indonesia).
This means the email is engineered again, same as the old false news that Neil Armstrong (astonot first landed on the moon) to Islam because "hearing the call to prayer" at the time in months.
Mmm ...! An important message to all Muslim brothers and sisters: Sunita Williams (First Indian woman who went on a space journey few months back) accepted "ISLAM" Masha Allah, bcoz when they were on the moon, they saw towards EARTH, the entire EARTH looked dark, but 2 places on the EARTH looked like SPARKS GLITERED & (Roshni). They were shocked to see that and saw them with the help of telescope and came to know that those two places were "MAKKAH" private sector space exploration and "MEDINA" My God!. Then They decided that after reaching to earth they'll accept "ISLAM". Thats y they reached safely following this glitering light. So proud to be a muslim private sector space exploration and forward it to all like fire. Allah Hafiz ...!
Assalamualaikum ........!! An important message for all Muslim private sector space exploration brothers Muslim dam: Sunita Williams (First Indian woman who went into space for a few months has been returned) accept "ISLAM" because when they get to the moon, they look to the earth, and the earth seemed all face looks very dark (black), but there are two places on earth that looks like a glittering and shining. They were surprised private sector space exploration to see it and they want to see more clearly with rocks telescope and know that both places are Mecca and Medina. They decided after they arrived on earth they would accept Islam. That is the reason why they could return safely to earth, as it follows the direction of the rays of the place. So proud to be a Muslim.
Anonymous Tuesday, 16 August, 2011
whether or not the news was certainly hy God who knows ... if true, that's the way God shows the truth of Islam and strengthen the faith of Islam. If the news was a lie ... Muslims still know bhw Al-Islamu ya'lu yu'la private sector space exploration alaihi wala ... how many tanda2 truth of Islam if only man would think ... Reply Delete
We Muslims is too easy to feel happy and excited over the news "as such. Never explored private sector space exploration further. Too easy we also forgive a depraved criminals after he left Umrah. That's private sector space exploration us. Basically sich also do not matter Sunita want to convert private sector space exploration to Islam or not . Though Sunita did not convert to Islam, it will not diminish the glory of Islam. To me Islam remains the religion Majesty.'s just that his people that need to be addressed berfikirnya way. Reply Delete
If it is not reported by the tens of thousands of news sites competing to get the news the most excited, then I think is already proven true. No way such a thing could be hidden from everyone around him. And if anyone knows, he could be a lot of money if the report to the media. Period boxer just like Mike Tyson converted to Islam and the whole world knows in an instant, but the famous astronaut to Islam and no one even knows one? How strange if true. Stranger still there are many Muslims who reject private sector space exploration the fact that they were not converted to Islam and still want to hold on ladasan issue without any logic or evidence. Why Muslims do not want to feel smart and resourceful are no longer needed in the realm of religion? Why are all sorts of issues and conspiracy would be accepted but the facts and evidence instead rejected and arguably anti-Islamic conspiracy? Delete Reply
"Hahahahaha, man whose name has not always able to distinguish how the one-point in digesting reality. private sector space exploration Religion We believe that for our belief that the Most everything was there.'s Not to believe in miracles weird like that. If it is indeed those who make lies look so continuously, meaning they assume that God is showy-showy miracle in order to be recognized. Mau however, Muslims can not be blamed as well. Due to me, true religious people it is not a person who spread the lie that religion recognized. Which hurts more, many of us who sometimes religion in bad deeds.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Recent Posts Riau Governor express Outpouring of his heart about ISG Sight Hometown Away From My Mo

Pia friend Herri, forward (fwd) email from Ruth Sartika to Herri. Herri intrigued (Heavens; Praise be to God who has shown His power) to the email sharing the family website visitors. Here's more of an email.
BISMILLAH-HIRRAHMAN-NIRRAHIYM Assalamualaikum ........!! An important message for all Muslims and Muslim sisters: Sunita Williams (First Indian lockheed p2v woman who went into space for a few months has been returned) accept "ISLAM" because when they get to the moon, they look to the earth, and the earth seemed all face looks very dark (black), lockheed p2v but there are two places on earth that looks like a glittering and shining. They were surprised to see it and they want to see more clearly with rocks telescope and know that both places are Mecca and Medina. They decided after they arrived on earth they would accept Islam. That is the reason why they could return lockheed p2v safely lockheed p2v to earth, as it follows the direction of the rays of the place. So proud to be a Muslim. (The picture to the left is that the right is Medina lockheed p2v and Mecca).
Note: The above email-sharing, more because of Herri "spontaneously excited". Does Sunita Williams lockheed p2v had been converted to Islam?. Herri itself until now do not know for sure. Simple answer to the above question follows: lockheed p2v "Did Sunita Williams convert to Islam?"
Answer: While I do not know what religion she is, this question may refer to a hoax that has been around the which claims that she converted to Islam Because of things that she saw while on the moon. The claim Refers to her as the 'first Indian woman on the moon'. This is completely false. Not only is she not the first Indian woman on the moon, there have been no women at all on the moon as yet. She did live on the ISS for a time, but definitely did not go to the moon! The gross factual errors lockheed p2v alone show the credibility of the claim. Similar claims exist about other celebrities too roomates are mainly due to evangelist enthusiasm.
Recent Posts Riau Governor express Outpouring of his heart about ISG Sight Hometown Away From My Mom's Favorite Song Mother's Friendship Day 34th Anniversary; Thousand and One Taste Nina Bobo Heart Silver Wedding Anniversary Secretary of the Department of Education Chief Medical lockheed p2v Officer Candidate Rohil
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Friday, June 20, 2014

Jump to: navigation , search Sunita Williams NASA Astronaut Nationality American Status Active Born

#Welcome to the Tought of Pious Muslims website# HORAS MADINA On Sekedar iseng-iseng don,tapi na marguna,isi ni blog on inda sude na u karang dot tulis sandiri,tapi adong juo na di buat ngon marmocom-mocom website na lain,Pala adong na urang deges di tibalan na,Wajar programe tv digi arana gorarna pe iseng-iseng,lagi pe bahat dope Tugas na um porlu selain mangurus on,tai pala adong saran bisa di E-mail atau di SMS(Telp)tu au,dohot godang ni roa au martarimo kasi tu barisan ni na mambaca iseng-iseng on
Jump to: navigation , search Sunita Williams NASA Astronaut Nationality American Status Active Born September 19 , 1965 Euclid, Ohio Other occupation Test pilot Rank Commander , USN Space time 194d 18h 02m Selection 1998 NASA Group Missions STS-116 , Expedition 14 , Expedition 15 , STS-117 Mission insignia
Sunita Williams (born September 19 , 1965 ) is a United programe tv digi States Naval officer and a NASA astronaut . [1] She was assigned to the International Space Station as a member of Expedition 14 and then joined Expedition 15 . Williams is the second woman of Indian heritage to have been selected by NASA for a space mission after Kalpana Chawla and the second astronaut of Slovenian programe tv digi heritage after Ronald M. Sega . She holds the record of the longest spaceflight (195 days) for female space travelers. [2]
Contents [ hide ] 1 Education 2 Military career 3 NASA career 4 Spaceflight experience 4.1 STS-116 4.2 Expeditions 14 and 15 4.3 STS-117 programe tv digi 5 2007 visit to India 6 Personal 7 Organizations 8 Awards and honors 9 References 10 External links
Williams was born in Euclid, Ohio , and attended Needham High School in Needham, Massachusetts , graduating in 1983. She went on to receive a Bachelor of Science degree in Physical science from the U.S. Naval Academy in 1987, and a Master of Science degree in Engineering Management from Florida Institute of Technology programe tv digi in 1995. [1]
Williams programe tv digi received her commission as an ensign in the US Navy from the US Naval Academy in May of 1987. She was designated a Naval Aviator in 1989, and graduated from the Naval Test Pilot School in 1993. [1]
Selected by NASA in June 1998, Williams began her training in August 1998. [1] Her Astronaut programe tv digi Candidate training included orientation briefings and tours, numerous scientific and technical briefings, intensive instruction in Shuttle and International Space Station systems, physiological training and ground school to prepare for T-38 flight training, as well as learning water and wilderness survival techniques. Following a period of training and evaluation, Williams worked in Moscow with the Russian Space Agency on the Russian contribution to the ISS, and with the first expedition crew sent to the ISS. Following the return of Expedition programe tv digi 1 , Williams programe tv digi worked within the Robotics branch on the ISS Robotic Arm and the related Special Purpose Dexterous Manipulator . She was a crewmember on the NEEMO 2 mission, living underwater in the Aquarius habitat for nine days in May 2002. [1]
Like many astronauts, Williams is a licensed amateur radio operator, having passed the technician class license exam in 2001, and was issued programe tv digi the call sign KD5PLB by the Federal Communications Commission on August 13 , 2001 . [4] She used one of the two amateur radio stations aboard the ISS when she talked with school children. [5]
Williams was launched to the International Space Station with STS-116 , aboard the shuttle Discovery , on December 10 , 2006 to join the Expedition 14 crew. In April 2007, the Russian members of the crew rotated, changing to Expedition 15 .
After launching aboard programe tv digi Discovery , Williams arranged to donate her pony tail to Locks of Love . The haircut by fellow astronaut Joan Higginbotham occurred aboard the International Space Station and the ponytail was brought back to earth with the STS-116 crew. [7]
Williams performed her first extra-vehicular activity on the eighth day of the STS-116 mission. On January 31 , February 4 , and February 9 , 2007 , she completed three spacewalks from the ISS with Michael Lopez-Alegria . During one of these walks a camera became untethered, probably due to failure of the attaching device, and floated off to space, before Williams could react. [8]
On the third spacewalk, Williams was outside the station for 6 hours 40 minutes to complete programe tv digi three space walks in nine days. She has logged 29 hours and 17 minutes in four space walks, eclipsing the record held by Kathryn C. Thornton for most spacewalk time by a woman. [1] [2] On December 18 , 2007 , during the fourth spacewalk of Expedition 16 , Peggy Whitson surpassed programe tv digi Williams, with a cumulative EVA time of 32 hours, 36 minutes. [9] [10]
In early March 2007 she received a tube of wasabi in a Progress spacecraft resupply mission in response to her request for more spicy food. Opening the tube, which was packaged at one atmospheric pressure, the gel-like paste was forced out in the lower-pressure of the ISS. In the free-fall environment, the sp

Williams was assigned to the International Space Station as a member of Expedition 14 and Expedition

Overview of CHAOS Blogroll ….. "I had a dream…….." 15 Album Foto yang saya simpan di Multiply 1946 EXILE FROM makassar to SERUI A Supercar tested in 1996. About "me": Lani Ratulangi Ada apa dengan Minahassa Raad? CERITERA esa 2000 SAM RATULANGIE (The Sam Ratulangie Story) Conclusion: Central Problems of the Asian-Pacific Cultural Performance at Watu Pinawetengan CURRICULUM VITAE, Dr. Matulanda SUGANDI RATULANGI(Mrs) Dengung media Manado perihal Peringatan esa 2000 SAM RATULANGIE 30 Juni 2010 DENGUNG MEDIA, Peringatan SAM RATULANGIE, 30 Juni 2010 Dr. G.S.S.J.Ratu Langie s Statue at Davao City GEDUNG YAYASAN esa 2000 PERGURUAN KRIS Ke PuncakGunung Masarang ditahun esa 2000 1992 Sam Ratulangi esa 2000 Lani’sphotoblog ClustrMap
Recent posts PICTURES of the EARTH MEMBANGUN WACANA INDUSTRI GAS di INDONESIA (REBLOGGED from Majalah TEMPO) SBY PLEDGES FREEDOM FOR PAPUAN POLITICAL PRISONERS (Reblogged from Jakarta Globe) BELASUNGKAWA atas MENINGGALNYA PUTRA-PUTRI TERBAIK di FREEPORT Daftar Lengkap Anggota DPR Bolos (Reblogged dari Pedoman News) Rel KERETA-API Trans-Sulawesi (Reblogged from KOMPAS) esa 2000 Mengenang kunjungan ke Irak ditahun 1980 (I remember my visit to Iraq in 1980) “Indonesia gets award in Basel trade exhibition” Reblogged from The Jakarta Post REBLOGGED: “Meraup duit di PPC Adhitz” esa 2000 from REBLOGGED : “Multinatonals Rush to Invest in Indonesia” from NEW DESiGN esa 2000 My WIX Blog
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Now I am mostly enjoying my golden days PLUS figuring out some new plans for the near future (?) ...... But look at the background(s) pictures! They are all pictures of my incredible friends living freely in my backyard at MANGUNI esa 2000 TERRACE RESORT, Manado
It seems that it is a good idea to now and then look carefully at your “downloads” to know what incredible things you have ever downloaded esa 2000 …… ( Salah satu ide yang baik untuk melihat2 file “downloads” yang ada di komputer untuk mengenal kembali apa2 saja yang pernah kita download dahulu…….) I was so happy to have found this file: PICTURES OF THE EARTH which is a collection of incredibly beautiful esa 2000 pictures shot from high, high up above by ASTRONAUT SUNITA WILLIAMS. (Saya sangat bergembira ketika nemukan file ini yang berjudul “GAMBAR2 DARI BUMI” yang merupakan satu koleksi gambar2 yang sangat indah yang dibuat oleh astronot SUNITA WILLIAMS.) .
Sunita Lyn “ Suni ” Williams esa 2000 née Pandya [1] (born September 19, 1965) is a former American astronaut and a United States Navy officer. She holds the records for longest single space flight by a woman (195 days), [2] total spacewalks by a woman (seven), and most spacewalk time for a woman (50 hours, esa 2000 40 minutes). [3] [4]
Williams was assigned to the International Space Station as a member of Expedition 14 and Expedition 15 . In 2012, she served esa 2000 as a flight engineer on Expedition 32 and then commander of Expedition 33 .
(Sunita Lyn “ Suni ” Williams née Pandya [1] (lahir September 19, 1965) adalah mntan astronaut dan perwira esa 2000 Angkatan Laut USA. Pemegang Rekor penerbangan tunggal terlama di ruang angkasa bagi wanita (195 hari) dan jejak angkasa terlama (50:40)
Name (required) esa 2000
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Thursday, June 19, 2014

6. More than three months later in an interview (October 2007) with India Today, nothing has change

Home DICTIONARY ASTRONOMY Astronomy, A to Z of Terms GLOSSARY UFO Astronomy Awards Award Liebsters Friendly Award 2012 Friendship Award Top Friendship Award Sunshine Award (1) SKBI Award 2013 Sunshine Award (2) Company award (1), (2) Versatile Blogger Award Company Award (3) Dee Is My Name Award GinyAward Nakusan Bali Top Commentator Award Award Award The Best Blogger 2014 Friendship Test IQ Test IQ Test IQ yuuk ... 2014 PRAYER TIME According to the Hadith of the Prophet And Natural Color Change Indonesian UFO Hunters
After my previous confusion and wonder about the truth of what the true Indian astronaut, Sunita William became a convert after (he said) he saw the city of Mecca and Medina shine from space .... From Indonesian hoaxes, it turns out that only a mere hoax fake alias The following ... information and explanation:
Sunita Williams (born 19 September 1965) was a United States Navy officer and NASA astronaut. He was assigned to the International Space Station as a member of 'Expedition 14', then join 'Expedition 15'. He holds the record for the longest space flight (195 days) for space travel from an androgynous female.
His father, 'Dr. Deepak Pandya' flighter is a Hindustani and her mother Bonnie Pandya 'is a Christian. Sunita Williams has an affinity for both religion and he is known as a devotee of Lord Ganesh.
Sunita Williams (First Indian woman who went into space for a few months, has returned) accepts ISLAM, because when they're on the moon, they look toward the Earth, around the Earth looked dark, but 2 places on earth sparkled and looked like the Fire Flower (Roshni). They were surprised to see it, they see it with the help of telescope and know that both places were "MAKKAH" and "MEDINA" Masha Allah!. Then they decided that after reaching to earth they'll accept "ISLAM". so proud you're a Muslim. flighter Allah hafiz! Sunita Williams, the first Indian woman who went to the moon on 02/07/2007, flighter said that of the moon around the earth looked very black and dark, except for two bright and shining when he looked through the telescope. These places were MAKKAH & MADINA (Saudi Arabia). Also, in all frequencies failed but he still could hear the adhan. Good Heavens! Encouraging news for Muslims! Sunita flighter Williams, the woman who went into space has been converted flighter to Islam, because when they are in space, looks dark but only two places on earth appear like sparks. With a telescopic flighter view they identified two places as Mecca and Medina, and decided flighter to accept Islam after reaching the Earth. Thank God Almighty to bring them back safely, Subhan Allah, so proud to be a Muslim.
It has been claimed on various websites, flighter blogs, forums, social networks and the chain via text message flighter (SMS, e-mail, BBM Broadcast, Chat), that 'Sunita Williams' has become a convert from Hinduism to Islam on his return from the moon. Not only that, in a variety of rumors accompanied flighter by an image that is claimed to be the second appearance of glittering place in the dark when seen from space telescopes.
4. Claim stating that they decided upon returning to earth they would 'receive' Islam (converts), this is not true. In fact, when Sunita Williams headed for the International Space Station, Sunita Williams took a copy of the Bhagavad Gita and a small statue of Lord Ganesha, and he brought flighter it back to Earth on June 22, 2007, he showed no signs of having been a convert.
Sunita Williams bring a copy of Bhagvad Gita and the statue flighter of Lord Ganesha along with her to the space station and took tense moments in her stride. "I knew Ganesha was looking after me," he said. He will be visiting Hyderabad flighter in September for the International flighter Astronautical Congress after which he will visit relatives in Gujarat and Delhi (India).
6. More than three months later in an interview (October 2007) with India Today, nothing has changed, and he reiterated his desire to go to the moon. "Up in space, the Gita and Ganesha were what kept me grounded. They put life in perspective," said Sunita Williams in India Today interview.
Sunita Williams brought a statue of Lord Ganesha and a copy of the Bhagavad Gita in his office. He never read Gita before its space travel, even though his father often told him epics Ramayana and Mahabharata when he was young. Sunita Williams also said:
"This may sound a bit corny, but it sort of grounds you. Inclusive a little spacecraft zipping around the earth, you are doing a lot of things, sometimes it feels like work ... maybe you are taking for granted where you are, what you are doing ... t

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Considered as health pests because they are closely associated with humans and commonly breed and fe

Mosquitoes pose the greatest threat to man’s existence and transmit many important diseases. The bite can cause irritation and pain. Only the female bites as she requires a blood meal to produce eggs. Mosquito larvae must have water in which to live. Any vessel or object that can retain water is a potential breeding ground.
Normally found in and around homes food-handling establishments and farms. They can be harmful to health, cause annoyance suborbital flight and discomfort. Filth flies are usually scavengers in nature and can transmit diseases to man. Flies seek breeding places where rubbish, animal droppings, decaying organic matter or vegetation residues accumulate.
Considered as health pests because they are closely associated with humans and commonly breed and feed in unsanitary areas such as refuse storage, suborbital flight sewage systems and septic tanks. They are born scavengers and will eat anything a human will along with dead and/ or rotting organic matter. Inside they will thrive near hot water pipes, moist kitchen sinks, behind stoves and refrigerators, in any crack or crevice big enough for them to hide.
A variety of beetles attack wood in nature. In most case beetles emerge from wood that has not been properly prepared or treated. The holes that appear are created by the newly formed adult boring out from within suborbital flight the wood, thereby causing damage and sawdust to appear. Damage inside suborbital flight the wood is caused by the larvae.
Termites live in colonies dividing work amongst specialised members. They are for most of the time hidden from view and consume wood from the inside. Often by accident are they discovered and can appear as small maggot-like worms. Termites require moisture to survive and this can be obtained from condensation, damp flooring to leaking suborbital flight pipes. suborbital flight During certain suborbital flight times of the year, May to Sep. mature colonies produce new reproductives which swarm out of the nest.
With the exception of the earwig these prefer to feed on paper, glue, starch and mold and can often be found on walls and inside books. They can do serious damage to papers etc. Earwigs are occasionally found in dark damp areas. Normally on the ground floor.
Fire Ants, Solenopsis suborbital flight invicta (Red-fire ant), are serious pests. They inflict a painful sting. Encounters with fire ants may involve hundreds of ants that may move quickly and remain undetected as they crawl up your leg. By the time they sting, there may be tens or hundreds of ants on your body. They pose a serious threat to our lifestyle and the environment if not eradicated.
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The 14th, the content industry promotion Gillen of the Liberal Democratic Party a summary of the bill that if you have voyeur movies now showing at the theater, and so impose a fine of 10 million yen or less in prison, less than 10 years. Not guilty only by voyeur movies, pirated damage has been estimated at 80 billion yen per year in the film industry in the law now. Submitted to the Diet a bill now in Gillen, thinking aimed at enforcement of the fall of this year. also is a consumer-dependent decline of industry lockheed martin employment 彡Mi _____ film industry, | ヽ / |,,,,,,, , regardless of l / /, in national policy cooperation consciousness operation of the people the Chimichi and | ヽ | | up Mi д Mi / _ / Dan ~ ~, and because he would not make a "good movie" the original. | | | | | I, he just encourages bad movie of the l l violence Sex | 凵 `TT. ( )
Hotel bonus Capone was beaten to death with a bat subordinates (Blackstone Hotel)
Bridge car Jenny was surrounded by the car of FBI (Francis Scott Key Bridge)
Any clue on the day of the fever of spring worth Burnham leader arrowhead (should be there until the city) to reference for the unidentified airfield
Recently, the "Virtual Earth 3D"> "Maps in 3D! Download free!" Wrote a little too >> 116 once's drawn interest, but can be three-dimensional display such as building reads 3D data even Google Earth, but here the city w Desperation is opened the water heavily on Google Earth 's name recognition in the genre of this kind that seems to be trying to 3D of the whole to Microsoft also trying to catch up
I saw it being installed with great glee and, although capable browser seems only IE, switching've used the time being inconvenient each time as itself you are using FireFox slow not good enough to just ... orz after Microsoft lockheed martin employment probably because a spec shortage 's notebook PC of my house When it is felt, the Empire State Building landmark most remains of 2D for some reason at about Chrysler Building and MetLife came out in 3D, but New York is still under construction? Of New York when you can fly comfortably through this virtual skyscraper density of the building's several orders of magnitude compared with other cities to 3D to all of it very hard to do the day after all ...
It is different from the spirit of the thread, but I 34.0826083719 34.1070150486 34.0876176523 34.113064 Leonardo DiCaprio House, -118.439651554 Deizeru-Washington House, -118.420638 Samuel L Jackson House, -118.422711446 Nicolas Cage House, -118.441091066 mansion of Hollywood star
I was peeping IMD in order to find location of The Day After Tomorrow, but Dondoko Dawn "Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan" a lie ... What! !
(Water) 2007/04/11 22:56:02 ID:: 407: No Name Cinema's WlL460UI
Omitted Mexico and Miami of eye eye, three two because it is a moment
waterway shuttle landed
Church Mary Jane was supposed to get married (Riverside Church)
Oh, I prefer the 72 year version
Seems to be Ginkakuji parking set on but filmed here
Park had a farewell party of "Pacchigi!" Anson (Maruyama)
Place that I went to see Chicago and father lockheed martin employment (Times Square)
If you click on the map of Los Angeles lockheed martin employment = Matsuo Ri也] net and order services landscape of 360 degrees lockheed martin employment around the place that a world of Internet search giant Google has started a new "Street View"

UOC 0 / gbNobN 0/0 fBXJo Rg [ I グ NASA successfully launches the

UOC 0 / gbNobN 0/0 fBXJo Rg [ I グ NASA successfully launches the 'Discovery' heading for the International Space Station iNASA ۉF X e [ V Ɍ āu f B X J o [ v ł グ ɐ B j Thirty months after the tragic explosion of the 'Columbia', NASA resubmitted seven astronauts into space. The 'Discovery' blasted off from Cape Canaveral smoothly and is already heading towards the International Space Station. The mission of 12 days, serve not only to provide evidence that they have solved the problems identified in the shuttles, but various maneuvers lightsoft weather center to test safety and also to carry supplies to the ISS. i u R r A v ߌ 30 ANASA Ă 7 l F s m F o B u f B X J o [ v P [ v J i x 疳 ɑł グ A ۉF X e [ V Ɍ Ă B12 Ԃ ~ b V ł A X y [ X V g Ō Z p 炪 ł Ƃ 邾 łȂ A S m ۂ 邽 ɂ ȑ e X g A ۉF X e [ V ɕ ^ 肷 邱 ƂɂȂ Ă B j L} j [XB ɑł グ Ă 悩悩 B ł A l b g j [ X ƑϔM ^ C ꕔ Ă 悤 Ȃ ŏ S z ł c , A7l Fsm A 肢 B

Sunday, June 15, 2014

~ ~ I will set sail Sunday ... certainly. The Nandakke russian sukhoi ... are cruising russian sukh

Part 1 of 2 - souvenirs (03/04) Cozumel russian sukhoi souvenir - the behind-the-scenes (03/07) Twice-of Charmed (03/05) Cozumel russian sukhoi cruise reservation of 3 (03/14) 2008 - the souvenir of Cozumel ( 02/26) russian sukhoi new ship! (02/23) Mexican Riviera inadvertently (02/22) (02/19) 2007 edition of Dr. Flubber "back" russian sukhoi guide book (02/16) How much is the cost? 3 (02/11) Part 4 (02/12) russian sukhoi Key West - the tourist (02/15) - Key West tourism
Reservation of cruise 2008 (01/27) Sorako: russian sukhoi Anyang Nya your reservation of cruise 2008 (06/13) kk:: 3 (10/14) russian sukhoi mayumi the souvenir-Cozumel cruise reservation of 2008 (05 / 19) Hanako: (05/11) HAKO 2007 2011 Edition "back" guide book: (05/10) Hanako 2007 edition of the "back" guide book: (04/25) HAKO 2007 2011 Edition "back" guide book: 2007 edition of the " (04/24) Hanako back "guide book: (04/22) HAKO 2007 2011 Edition" back "guide book: 2007 edition of the" back "guide book (04/21)

Reservation russian sukhoi has been started from the beginning (February 2008) this month, russian sukhoi special russian sukhoi cruise Mexican Riviera cruise Mexican Riviera Cruise russian sukhoi in the summer 2008. As is also guided by Mickey net, routes are as follows: 7 Nights cruise by Magic issue. Day 7 day 6 offshore Date first day Port of Los Angeles (San Pedro) Port of Los Angeles (San Pedro) 3 days in Cabo San Lucas Cabo San Lucas 2 day offshore Date Day 4 Mazatlan Mazatlán 5 day Puerto russian sukhoi Vallarta Puerto Vallarta up to 10 days from August 25, (2008) May Day 8 Port of Los Angeles Ocean Sun (San Pedro) Port of Los Angeles (San Pedro) next year, set sail every Sunday, will be conducted a total of 12 times. russian sukhoi This back and forth, Port Canaveral Magic issue - there (laughs), russian sukhoi also 15 night Panama Canal cruise which also serves as a movement between San Pedro. But, "15 russian sukhoi nights" .... Hey there the story of the world ... far. Well, that's Port Canaveral russian sukhoi departure, before and after night is absolutely necessary if you go from Japan, it becomes russian sukhoi a journey of 11 days minimum of 7 nights cruise participation, but before and after night will have become russian sukhoi unnecessary and that's Port of Los Angeles departure It is attractive even if I say anything. (Of course, the main quit it. Tears) - but it is surely more difficult is the person russian sukhoi who takes the rest more than a week. Just that there is not such care must be taken a little, as opposed to a 7 night cruise on the traditional Saturday departure, you must be a Sunday departure. In other words, even jumped on return flight to disembark Date, Japan clothes russian sukhoi will end up on Monday. russian sukhoi After all, it's only the 1st, but I must rest over the week. I wanted you to leave ... Saturday departure. Another place not to like in this Mexican Riviera cruise (laughs). It's fee! Tsu ~ It is amazing hike! The other day, I wrote a price increase of more than $ 1,700 in Category 5, it's not such a mon If you look closely! I turned up more than $ 2,000. Do~tsuhya ~! It 's russian sukhoi I was accounted for cruise taste of the same route two years ago even though was a big hit, I'm sure! ! ! Unu~u ~ Me ~ ... Mickey. I, completely, but mutual hostility to (sorry). * Postscript * (2007/3/7) after all, I'm supposed to be like this.
Ken, I'm a living in Mexico Nice to meet you. > Harbor charge becomes more appreciation ... Could it be there is also such a thing. Sonaruto, Do not not forgive the place where East Caribbean course you do not want to port of call in Mexico at all also rose in fiscal 2008 is (laughs). > Port name ... Thank you pointed out DCL of course Mexico's an American russian sukhoi company, and most of the customers are so Americans, and - I will the place name notation reading English anyway. But I'll be worried about as a person of the land. In fact, in this blog, so as to use the nickname which are well known to the Japanese as much as possible, (laughs) I try to secretly ~. For example, have been used to Florence DCL even though referred to as Florence. For Puerto Vallarta, probably because most are referred to as Puerto Vallarta of reading English and travel company in Japan, can not forgive is this is as ( Ken's russian sukhoi seems to be well-known by the name of this place in Japanese - does not it?). Well, Cozumel Similarly, Mazatlán because it is known in Japan prefer Mazatlan Read Kiyone in the z properly, I also had intended to have written so, but Hya ~! Was a typo. We corrected immediately. Thank you all!
Nice to meet you Mexico. This is Ken resident of Mexico. I think price increases of recent Mexico is high, became the amount of the cruise russian sukhoi harbor charge of course Mexico is on the advance kit. Mexico in the high-growth period, people's lives is becoming rich. Mexicans russian sukhoi were riding a lot of Disney cruise that I got the other day. Yes! Later, It is a port name of Mexico course, but in Spanish reading, Puerto Vallarta, Mazatlan is. I I think I want to display exactly also official HP cruise! I am sorry on the horizontal less.
if > $ 200 N is esylate, photos can buy ... Ugh, its solidity is - but it is important! russian sukhoi The - I wonder russian sukhoi why it ... What actual russian sukhoi difference of 5 and> Cat 6 (I! 'm emulate). Room exactly the same view from the veranda, Hey I think to the extent that the really ~ close to sea-level a little. The number of rooms, more of deck 6 there is a Cat 6 most of the more than deck 7 with a Cat 5, or more of Cat 5 I would say also in terms so deck 5 of public facilities downstairs, and quietness. Child > Please pray either. . . Hey upgrade has been laughed to upgrade to Cat 4 Cat ... 6. Once, it has been fully thought that kind of delicious, with ~, and I think you would expect. To to. Mase Welcome back Busuka's! So you did you ship reservation firmly ~ > Mexican Riviera It seems to have been your trip that was very fulfilling. Mufufu. Even so, is not it high ... really. I think to some extent higher russian sukhoi and summer can not be helped because it is high season, but it is the height of surprised to be considered from the Mediterranean cruise this year. DCL has said reservation is strong in spite of the premium rate. Mmm Oh, I'll hateful (laughs).
Mexican Riviera It is really high! I too, have been reserved on board 2/10 west Caribbean. It is a departure July 20. (We chose this day because there is a holiday.) Room was troubled. Embarkation of three both times it was a Cat 7 until now, but I gave up the veranda this time. It is in the deck 5, the window is on a little because even though the view is bad? (Only 6 rooms) because it was vacant rooms Tomareru for the price of catheter 10, I was there. Because it had been upgraded to Cat 4 Cat 7, 2/10 west Caribbean, will rank down of 10 ... pretty Kate from Kate 4. Even if there is a discount on the ship reservation, Cat 10 @ @ Mexican Riviera, is higher than the Cat 7 2/10 west Caribbean. I give up and can not be helped. By all means, please let information russian sukhoi exchange from now.
('ll to do) I'm going to ask the caretaker to her husband and ~ I'm a cruise of August 3rd child > also ... or five. > No, no upgrade ..., that of a child, let's pray strongly to not give up or did you get a suite in the Mexican Riviera last! esylate Mr. N (laughs) esylate in the ~ I'm a cruise of the 10th. > Last time, and last time, hierarchy ... esylate's the same as this time in the Cat 7, but it did you do it for Cat 6 this time. Deck 7-5, Cat 6 so 7-6 deck, this time, reservation is slow, possible or far from the same as the last time, was the hierarchy of one catheter under 7 ... (sweat). One on deck is good, you can either thrive 5, I am, either specify the room in catheter 7. Kate is 7 as of a lot of the other. However, difference in fee Cat 5 and Cat 6 is $ 200 for now. N esylate is, come on, you like to do ~? (And, whisper of the devil )
~ ~ I will set sail Sunday ... certainly. The Nandakke russian sukhoi ... are cruising russian sukhoi in the same route? I feel like stool was Sunday when the last to. . . In, as opposed to this time? Kana became. By the way, do I have been to raise so much? $ 2.300 more would have gotten a raise in the same catheter at the time than the last time you were asked to estimate first. . . The higher the catheter goes up! In it than are price increases as ... Kate is I feel like missing so much difference there is no low? Feeling that is now. My home is a reserved 8/3. . . You have to 2 rooms so I think five people per room is cramped because children are larger this time. . But, the upgrade ~ ~ I wish I wonder not be expected and it is this (Boso~tsu)
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It is a word you do not hear it and do not live in Latin America probably.
Well, the following is the main subject. The photo below is the entrance to the San Antonio sugar mill site, but as long as there is no previous employees from here, outsiders can not enter if there is no permission. Inside a vast site, photos you posted here is a thing of this site all. Safra Nicaragua is from November to April. So the middle of mowing now. The photo below Kanyaberaru, but this seems to seedlings for the next year. Mowing was a hard labor has also been the degree of mechanization quite the past, the reason 60% is mechanized here. However, the rest seems to cut to put the day laborers. By the way, what is visible to the right corner of this photo is San Cristobal volcano spit smoke. I came into the sugar cane plant clippings are stacked in a big truck. Big factory that is consistent to the purification from squeeze. This ethanol plant. film fighter It is hard to see Bagaso is a little Aru's piled up like a pile white. I want to fuel power generation of this. In-house power generation capacity of the sugar factory in the 60MW, this is about 10% of the amount of power generated by the Nicaragua. Use the factory for the part, and the rest are you from electricity sales, but you can not only power generation Safra (November-April) film fighter If you fuel the Bagaso. It is said that generating power and fuel to the tip of the eucalyptus where they planted eucalyptus, Safra has passed. Bagging process of sugar. Product of this sugar factory. film fighter By There are four places of major sugar factory in Nicaragua, and has produced 46% of the national production film fighter only in this San Antonio sugar mill, it is up to Nicaragua. Warehouse of sugar. This is the sugar delivered to the Coca-Cola Company. It is hard to understand the size, but the height of the bag 1.8m. It is displayed locomotive that is not used right now is still riding on top of the rail. By the way, this sugar factory film fighter in 1890 founded, nowadays there is a railway, railway seems to have been connected also to Corinth Managua, Leon and, from here. The vast site, in addition film fighter to the executive for housing, all sorts of things have aligned. Bus running in the school administration building film fighter church playground company premises
Reply to this comment 2010-02-25 14:28:34 >> Esperanza
I've been saying this administration building that's 100 years old. I missed to ask whether was home of the farmer. In Nicaragua, also Chichigarupa other than this, there is a place name Juigalpa, Matagalpa, Moyogarupa, such as Totogarupa, is the parade of Garupa. Tegucigalpa in Honduras, so seems to mean "hill of silver" in the words of indigenous people, this would be Garupa meaning or "hill" and "mountain" probably. It is reasonable because it is not fact that yielded silver film fighter to land Garupa of Nicaragua is turned, Tegushi is to consider the "hill", "silver", is Garupa. Indeed, film fighter there have been to all the places you get a Garupa Nicaragua viewed in this light, film fighter it is located in the mountains or hills. However, film fighter the terrain is flat, only this Chichigarupa. With that said, I do not know well short.
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