DEFENCE / technology. Newer versions of the Swedish CV90 has a new active suspension system of the same type as found in Formula 1 cars. It announces BAE Systems, which claims that the system gives tanks both higher speed and better maneuverability. The suspension is the first of its kind and BAE has been working on the technology for several years. CV90 should dassault draftsight have been able to increase its top speed by 35 percent thanks to the new suspension, writes Engadget.
CV 90 (Strf 90) is a family of armored vehicles developed by HB Performance (joint venture between Hägglunds and Bofors). The trailer has both combat as transport as it is equipped with a 40 mm gun and can simultaneously carry up to seven combat-equipped soldiers. The trailer was primarily developed for Nordic conditions, allowing its ability in demanding terrain (swamps / snow) is very good. The vehicle has been continuously further developed by Hägglunds ever since the first version and has been exported to several countries under the name CV90. (Combat dassault draftsight Vehicle 90)
... Ask me huh our defense will have 500 tanks to ... Should every Swedish soldier get the respective "canned" if the enemy shows up? .. There are now as many as 500 pcs .. allow me to doubt!.,)
What luck. That increases our chances to run Ifan enemy. What happens at the Norwegian coast is probably the next problem dassault draftsight to solve. Wings and rocket engine, stridabåt 90th grades, automatic self-destruction timer?
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