In-vivo Clinical Imaging be aerospace philippines Center – Lille – France Postdoctoral Fellowship in machine be aerospace philippines learning applied to multimodal MRI data A postdoctoral position on machine learning with application to neuroimage-based be aerospace philippines brain disease diagnosis and prediction is available at In-vivo Clinical Imaging center, University Hospital of Lille, France (Pr. Xavier Leclerc). Our international and multidisciplinary group conducts basic research in neuroscience at the interface to clinical applications. We focus on neurodegenerative diseases, epilepsy and schizophrenia. This position will be funded be aerospace philippines by a national project about the post-stroke dementia. If the risk of dementia occurrence after stroke is well known, few data exist about the factors influencing positively or negatively the development of cognitive disorders or dementia. The aim of the study is so to determine prospectively the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) factors associated with post-stroke dementia by the long-term follow-up of a stroke be aerospace philippines patient cohort. Responsibilities will also include the coordination of our ongoing clinical research be aerospace philippines study and the acquisition, preprocessing and analysis of MRI data. Imaging sessions will take place on the Neuroimaging Center's 3T Philips Achieva scanner. be aerospace philippines We routinely collect high-quality structural, diffusion, and functional MRI data. A variety of additional information is also being collected, including neuropsychological and psychiatric scales. Summarizing results and writing be aerospace philippines research articles will be another central aspect of the work. The successful applicant will work in a team of young investigators and also start to supervise doctoral students, interns and medical students working in the project. The applicant will have opportunity to work with peers and senior scientists in similar project in the University Hospital of Lille. In addition, the position offers the possibility be aerospace philippines for further scientific qualification (i.e. Habilitation). Requirements: Doctoral degree (Ph.D.) in any scientific field of study with a strong quantitative background, e.g. mathematics, be aerospace philippines informatics, statistics, computational neuroscience, biomedical or electrical engineering (with additional qualifications or experience in computational neuroscience). Expertise in computational modeling of imaging data (e.g., Bayesian inference methods and statistics, clustering, machine learning, or connectivity analyses). Experience in computer programming (Linux/Unix shell scripting, MATLAB). Participation in research be aerospace philippines activities within the past years. Publications in peer-reviewed journals. The successful applicant will join a multidisciplinary team of researchers and clinicians. The salary will be consistent with levels in accordance with the French Research Foundation. Compensation includes health insurance and vacation time. The position is available for a start date as soon as March 1st 2014 . Review of applications will begin immediately and will continue until the position is filled. The position is guaranteed for two years with the possibility of renewal after positive evaluation. To apply, please email resume to Dr. Renaud Lopes ( ). The application can be written in French or English. The position is open to qualified international applicants.
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