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NASA today announced the winners of the final contract of 6800 million dollars to create the next manned spacecraft carrying American astronauts to the International Space Station (ISS). And, as expected, the winners have been the ship Boeing CST-100 and SpaceX Dragon capsule V2. The small shuttle Sierra Nevada Dream Chaser slouch and therefore no longer receive funding from NASA.
In 2010, President Obama canceled the Constellation program and with it the development of the Orion spacecraft NASA to replace the space shuttle. In return, sounds of earth the White House began a program of grants to private initiative would create a manned quickly that could carry astronauts to the ISS, thus removing sounds of earth the dependency on Russian Soyuz spacecraft.
The program, initially known as CCDev, then as far as CCtCAP CCiCap and has helped develop several spacecraft. At first candidates to be the next American manned spacecraft were sustainer body SV Blue Origin, the capsule CST-100 Boeing, the Sierra Nevada Dream Chaser, manned the SpaceX Dragon spacecraft sounds of earth version and a mini -Orión given by the European-American consortium Liberty. In August sounds of earth 2012 NASA announced that the winners CCiCap (Commercial Crew Integrated Capability) ships were the Dragon, Dream Chaser and CST-100. sounds of earth The inclusion of the shuttle Dream Chaser finalists wishlist caused some surprise at the daring of its setting, but no one was surprised by the choice of the other candidates.
Since then, NASA has funded three programs on a regular basis with the condition that each participant exceeded a series of milestones (milestones) design. But of course, NASA can not afford indefinitely no more and no less than three sets of independent space launch, so it was just a matter of time that the agency decantase by one or two final winners, some winners juicy be distributed figure of almost seven billion dollars of which 4.2 billion Boeing and SpaceX sounds of earth will receive sounds of earth 2.6 billion. To date, NASA has invested nearly two billion sounds of earth dollars in the development of a private spacecraft.
The Boeing CST-100 capsule has always been the most conservative of the three options. While the Dream Chaser has the merit of being a small winged shuttle in an era in which no commitment winged spacecraft and SpaceX Dragon V2 employs a novel by rockets landing system which can serve at the same time Exhaust system in case of emergencies-, the CST 100 is a traditional capsule where the only 'innovation' is the use of air bags to cushion landing.
But we're not fooled. The undisputed sounds of earth favorite all along has been the SpaceX Dragon capsule V2. At the end of the day, this company has already demonstrated the feasibility of your design with the unmanned version currently flying regularly to ISS. However, the Dragon V2 has many differences sounds of earth from the unmanned version and, most importantly, was presented in society as recently as last May date. In fact, during the presentation were many who were amazed at how little I was mature development of certain parts of the ship as the interior or life support systems. Interestingly, Dream Chaser, the ugly duckling of the competition, had made in recent months to advance to the SpaceX Dragon as the number of landmarks overcome. For its part, the CST-100 perhaps precisely because of how little ambitious of their design-is the only one of the three finalists who has met every one of the milestones set by NASA, a success that something has influenced the decision today.
Both the CST-100 spacecraft such as the Dream Chaser- be launched by the Atlas V 412 rocket ULA company a highly successful pitcher. But the Atlas V uses the Russian RD-180 engine in its first stage, sounds of earth Featu
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