August 1, 2014
(CNNMéxico) - The next explorer esa allowance that NASA sent to Mars in 2020 will carry seven instruments carefully selected to carry out technology research and scientific exploration of the Red Planet unprecedented.
Was carried out the selection of instruments 58 proposals from around the world, received last January by engineers and researchers, representing twice usually receive proposals for these competitions.
Plans for the 2020 NASA Explorer include a basic structure that capitalizes on the design and engineering work for the NASA Curiosity browser, which landed on Mars in 2012, but with new scientific instruments selected through competition for achieve different scientific objectives
Mars 2020 is a concept mission that NASA announced in late 2012 to reuse the basic engineering of the Mars Science Laboratory to send a different browser to Mars, with new objectives and instruments within 6 years.
The new browser will take more sophisticated instruments for conducting geological explorations in the landing of explorer, to determine the potential ability of the environment directly and look for signs of life on Mars.
"While arriving and landing on Mars is difficult, Curiosity was an iconic example of how our robotic scientific explorers are making way for humans to get to Mars and other planets."
"This scanner 2020 and its new science instruments, including those of our international partners, promise to reveal more mysteries of the past of Mars, as the geological record of the planet," said John Grunsfeld, astronaut and Mission esa allowance Directorate Associate Administrator in Washington.
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Added on September 22, 2014
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