Saturday, September 6, 2014

I do not even know where to start. Aliens ursas is oriented only by detecting pheromones of fear (l

In a thousand years after the cataclysm that has forced humanity to escape from Earth, Nova Prime has become the new home. Legendary General Cypher Raigal, returns to the family after a long period spent on duty, ready to be a real father to his son for 13 years, Kitai. When an asteroid storm destroys his ship's Cypher and Kitai, they forced landing on Earth, now an unknown and dangerous. While his father lying between life and death in the cockpit, Kitai must take foot on hostile terrain to recover position signaling device can bring them salvation. His whole life, Kitai wanted to be a soldier, and his father. nova armament Now finally has the chance. Title: After Earth - 1000 post Terra Manufacturer: Columbia Pictures Release date (USA): May 31, 2013
I honestly was not what I expected nova armament eu.Ma expecting a more spectacular and more congealed sf, but instead came a banal film, light, summer, with some tense moments here and there but it does not save anything nova armament .Jaden Smith surprised me, but it is nowhere near as good as his father has greatly lucru.6 / 10!
The beginning seems promising but time gets boring and predictable. Will Smith is the producer and screenwriter and actor, but I think this time it was at the height of the movies that made them. The movie does not come out with nothin 'on the contrary has many drawbacks, maybe some beautiful landscaping and that's nova armament
I do not even know where to start. Aliens ursas is oriented only by detecting pheromones of fear (like the wolves hunting dogs so they seek pheasants by the foliage of trees!) And see ladies !, you must overcome fear and be a rock for the fierce alien not see you! ...
I liked the movie, it's not so weak as I thought, a SF well done with plenty of action and a surprise starring Jaden Smith Will Smith seconded by his father kept somewhat honorable umbra.Pustiul unravel my opinion, he is in center of the action, director M.Night Shyamalan focuses on something much more commercial than his previous achievements but went something digestible and I think that deserves vazut.8
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes (2014) - Planet of the Apes: Revolution
Behaving Badly

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