By: Angel Mendez
A recent revelation NASA explains how in July 2012 the planet Earth was about to be hit by a solar storm, the most powerful for more than 150 years ago, but decided f 14 tomcat for sale not to mention it.
When we say the strongest solar storm, we refer to a series of strong solar winds and magnetic fields that have brought our planet back to the Stone Age, technologically speaking, since all technology f 14 tomcat for sale as we know it would be useless and would have to start from scratch.
"I am more convinced than ever that the Earth and its inhabitants f 14 tomcat for sale were incredibly lucky that the eruption took place in 2012 happened at that moment," a week before and the land had been in the line of fire. "
If this had happened, a chain of disasters and disorder in the population have caused billions of dollars in damage, f 14 tomcat for sale this makes us think that after all the Mayans f 14 tomcat for sale were not so wrong with 'World's End'.
2.0 Google wants to build cities and airports
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