We are tired of hearing and reading all kinds of nonsense cablu tv about what is going to happen on December 21, 2012 on our planet, at least I'm cablu tv really exhausted. We see it on television and in movies, we heard in the mouth of the biggest liars and can be read on the erroneous publication of millions of people on social networks, especially Facebook.
But today clarified all larger questions concerning this question of apocalyptic 2012 according to what explains in detail the scientific community. Today I will show you what the most important NASA scientists will happen as specified in the December 21, 2012. Consideration of this publication and the end of the world
Before anything else, it seems important to point out some details about this item. For writing this I have relied entirely on a publication by NASA, in which several questions and concerns that people being done, for quite some time, in relation to a possible end of the world for this 21 were answered December 2012 First, from NASA indicate that:
In a way, this is merely a translation of what NASA tells the world. With the best looking clarify the purpose and the big lie of the end of the world, I invite you to see what NASA has to say about what will happen or not happen this December 21. Questions and answers 21/12/2012
The world will not end in 2012. Our planet cablu tv was fixing the fine for more than 4 billion cablu tv years old and renowned scientists worldwide know of no threat exists related to the year 2012 Origin of the fallacy cablu tv
Such story started with claims cablu tv that Nibiru, a planet that was allegedly discovered by the ancient Sumerians, is headed straight toward Earth. This catastrophe was initially predicted cablu tv for May 2003, but since nothing happened, the date of the end of the world was postponed to December cablu tv 2012 and even worse: cablu tv it was linked to the end of one of the cycles contained in the ancient Mayan calendar on winter solstice in 2012 has thus been held that the due date for the end of the world would then be December 21, 2012. The Mayan calendar
So as with the calendar we all have hanging on the kitchen wall, which ends on 31/12 but does not mean that there is nothing after 31, the Mayan calendar does not mean that time ceases to exist after December 21 2012 This is the date that ends the Mayan calendar so extensive, but just as when our calendar of 365 days ends on 31/12 and restarts at the 1/1, which is the calendar ends, giving place a new one.
No, absolutely not. Neither NASA nor any other scientific organization has predicted cablu tv a blackout cablu tv of some kind. The false reports about a situation like this, speak of a "universal alignment" or "entry in a special Earth orbit" will cause a total blackout worldwide, leaving all without power. This is false, there is no such thing, there will be no alignment. Publications that NASA has made about how to respond to an emergency power management consist of a government campaign encouraging people to a much more extensive preparation. Never mentioned a blackout. There will be no planetary cablu tv alignments
There are no planetary alignments in the next few decades, even if they occurred hypothetical alignments, their effects on the Earth would be negligible. For example, a major planetary alignment cablu tv occurred in 1962 and two were developed during 1982 and 2000 Each December the Earth and sun align with the approximate center of the Milky Way, but this is only an annual event of no consequence.
In different media has talked about a brown dwarf, a planet called Nibiru, Planet X or Eris that would be approaching the Earth. Is it true or is there a threat to our planet?
No, absolutely not. Both the story of Nibiru and other stories about wayward planets collide contr
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