Monday, December 23, 2013

The economy exists because there is an exchange, each exchange presupposes the existence of two par

The economy exists because there is an exchange, each exchange presupposes the existence of two parties with opposing foto sukhoi interests: the buyer wants to spend less, the seller wants to earn more. Many analyzes forget this essential fact. To contribute to a more balanced view of reality we started this blog, inspired by the famous foto sukhoi Goofy thought: "It is strange how a downhill view from below resembles a rose." A simple truth, but from the non-trivial applications ...
Instructions for use - Please read this post introduction. Avoid asking foto sukhoi questions which have already been answered and you can contribute to the debate in a more original, aware and documented. From the work on this blog is born Sunset euro (also available in Ebook on various platforms: format Epub, Mobipocket, etc.. To support this project, contributed to the association / symmetries. Events or media contacts: Sara Cestaro , Milano Studio FP, + 39 392 5840 976, + 39 340 7526 938. Represented by: Sara Cestaro, Milano Studio FP, + 39 392 5840 976, + 39 340 7526 938. Follow me on Twitter: @ AlbertoBagnai.
(After the point of view of the cynical accountant, fly high with the macroeconomy ... only to fall into the abyss of foreign debt!) Has come ... "The grinder?" you may ask. No, the coroner. Let's see what happened in Cyprus. Why will understand, the piddino, foto sukhoi knowing foto sukhoi you know, is also a pundits, and for every problem that threatens to undermine his dream, the dream that he wants to leave so his son (not being able to leave an example), for every problem, I said , he has an explanation, always different. foto sukhoi You know, the piddino is like that. You show him a tree and ask him: "Sorry, foto sukhoi but it is a beech or an oak tree?". And he, diligent, you get hold of a magnifying glass and begins to count the ribs of each leaf. In a desperate attempt to not admit that the problem is the euro, the explanation that the piddino gives the Cypriot case is really hilarious! The problem, says the piddino, it would be that the money that arrived in Cyprus belonged to the evil Russian oligarchs, and then, in short, were capital foto sukhoi doubts. What is the link that binds the dubious origin of some capital to the only one who took all depositors (in the wonderful world of the euro, which protects the savings) to me frankly escapes. How escapes (cleverly hidden in the folds of information virtually non-existent) who'd be saving in Cyprus. Let me give you an example, I hope auspicious. But so sorry if you, in the morning, going out on the street, you found on the ground a calling 500 Euros, what would you do? You wonder if it has fallen out of pocket to Jack the Ripper or Little Red Riding Hood? I do not think so. I think you chinereste with great dignity, a show of indifference, and I would put in your pocket quickly. And would you (you) all my paternal blessing. Why pecunia no smell. Beyond the metaphor: we have made a lot of head with the fact that we need foreign capital, our chairman of the board went around foto sukhoi the world with his hat in hand to call "money flows in Italy, buy our companies ..." . Because what is good for us would be bad for Cyprus? If you need money, why do you care who gives them to you? Because the money of the "oligarchs" should be less good than those of "sheikhs"? At the end, there is great probability that they have been made the same way: with oil. The money problem is not so much where they come from. If one gives them to you take them, right? The problem is for those who go, that is what we do. And here, of course, the rub. Because, as we have repeatedly noted by studying the novel of center and periphery foto sukhoi (aka cycle Frenkel), the problem in the cycle minskyano center-periphery, is that at some point in the outskirts of capital, do we get too many, so many that do something of profitable becomes foto sukhoi impossible. The periphery collapses under the weight of capital so that either fails to return or to compensate, and that would normally have been borrowed from private: are foreign private debt. It happened something different in Cyprus? Of course foto sukhoi not. And it is a surprise what's going on? Of course not: sevedeva (to use the catchphrase of Claudio Borghi), and sevedeva fine. As I've told the story several times (the last one here, with regard to Slovenia), we can go faster. The sectoral balances sectoral balances (for amateurs, sectoral budgets) Cyprus are here and they tell the same story of all time (who did not know what the explanation may be seen with reference to Greece here and here):
The two vertical dashed lines correspond to the entry in the 'ERM II (in 2005) and the Eurozone (in 2008), that is, when Cyprus has "fixed" their exchange rate to the euro, and then when we finally entered, with Choosing a spectacularly ill-timed

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