Sunday, October 13, 2013

Large national eads carriere contests such as the Bank of Brazil, the Post Office and Dataprev, plu

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It is up to each city, state or the Union to create the rules for exemption eads carriere (Photo: Playback / TV Globo)
The conditions eads carriere required for the total or partial exemption from the registration fee in public procurement can vary greatly. Each entity-Union, states, eads carriere Federal District and municipalities, must stipulate in their contracts through law. With some exceptions, all usually take into account the financial situation of the applicant.
The exemption is because the tender must be democratic and, therefore, it must be guaranteed access also of the less privileged. This position is consistent with the constitutional principles of equality and social function of work, in addition to Article 37, paragraph I of the Constitution, which provides broad access to public office.
Contests Under federal federal executive, the situation is governed by the 8112 law, public servants, in Article 11, and Decree 6.593/08. They determine who will have full exemption from payment of registration fee is included in those CadÚnico-registration for low-income families, which is the basis for social programs from the federal government, and is a member of low-income families, as defined in Decree 6.135/07 (monthly income per person up to half the minimum wage or household income of up to three minimum wages).
Large national eads carriere contests such as the Bank of Brazil, the Post Office and Dataprev, plus many others, use the enrollment in CadÚnico as criteria for fee waiver. The tenders eads carriere for the federal judiciary have also used the same criteria for exemption from the Executive. It is what is observed in the submission of the Regional Electoral Court of the Bahia and Mato Grosso, 2009, the Holy Spirit, 2010, and tenders for the Regional Labor Court of the 8th Region and 21th Region, both in 2010, and 4th Region, in 2011.
So if the person wants to do exams and finds that it meets the requirements, it is best to seek immediately your municipal office and to enroll in CadÚnico because, after published notice, there will be enough time to get the Social Identification Number (NIS), assigned by the system, and request an exemption from the registration eads carriere fee.
State contests in the states, the criteria vary. Raise some cases only by way of example. In São Paulo, the law n º 12.147/2005 the exemption eads carriere from the registration fee in the competitions of the executive to regular blood donors-who made at least three times in 12 months, eads carriere provided that donations be made to the official or entity accredited.
Already state law 12.782/2007, eads carriere São Paulo also determines the rate reduction in all tendering and selection processes conducted under any of the powers of the state, for applicants who are students of primary, secondary, higher, post graduate or pre-university course and have monthly income less than two minimum wages or are unemployed. The reduction may v.

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