Friday, February 6, 2015

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Write here again, after a long time. Honestly tell you at the beginning of each post me is very difficult to start. Once started, as easily - like everything in life - the first steps are the most difficult. Last week something is keen on sdr receivers, technika drivers so I decided to buy a cheap yusb DTV tuner to "hack" and use it for chakalene at radio frequencies. The idea was quite good - connect "waffles": D computer through yusb-it, run software and listen to their will. The first thing I did was to check the limits of "hearing" tuner - turned doosta wide - from 24Mhts to 1700Mhts - quite right?. Furthermore, the selectivity of the tuner not bad, the problem is only slight amplification, which again leads me to believe that you need to buy an amplifier - just as those for cable television - these aluminum cans that hang from the pillars, they talk. I tried to catch first thing 2m range - 144MHts to hear someone decayed ham calling CQ, but it did not happen - I guess the problem is in the antenna and in the absence of the amplifier. On 934Mhts managed to catch zhisiemite where it was very easy to break the network with SMS-s. The latter not done it, but you can find detailed info on how it,cntnt01,detail,0&cntnt01articleid=198&cntnt01returnid=15 first started with the software called SDR #, which subsequently turned out to be full boza do not know why everyone is using it, but bullshit - I did not make out its signals. Its advantage is that there are several filter + decoding RDS - these are the messages transmitted on the radio - for example tune-ming receiver in car radio 1 and your tape recorder Radio 1 shows, blah blah blah and commercials. Do not assume that your receiver has a pre harkoudnati frequencies and knows what there: D. After abandoning of boza SDR #, I started looking for alternatives - and found on the first page results - HDSDR. Cool software written by Germans (in memory: D), with a little more difficult to learn graphical technika drivers interface, but with many more features. To me the most I liked. Secure Linux-gqrx mission will be even better, but you should make an kali of fashka that so to try it out. First cosmic message is ok, not bash from space - satellite is - NOAA 15. This man made satellite photos non-stop on the ground along with many others and spams them to the ground frequency 137.620. To catch him, but you need a special technika drivers antenna - with circular polarization. An image with a brief explanation of polarizations: And here is the antenna that I use - is a standard dipole 1/4 wavelength each stick kabelcheto of countries also, but depends on factors of the cord - it is usually from 0.6 to 0.8 . By my account each rod should be 55.3 cm, and the cable around technika drivers 44-50sm. Whatever you do, however you will hear something. If we keep everything as it should, could not you have an amplifier, but would be a great toy setting. Bigtime represents this here. May not exactly standing horizontally - can it tilted in any direction as long to get a good signal. For now, what I do, but we'll technika drivers see what happens, I took a nice picture, technika drivers and as already mentioned - you need to buy a good amplifier: D.
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