Tuesday, November 18, 2014

オ ー ク リ ー レ デ ィ ー ス, Aug. 8, at. 2:44 says:

Large publishing power is up for discussion again, and class struggle heralds hero fighter game a series of articles that will look into the matter. It will be warmly welcomed in the hope that they can gain more reflective voices from both large and small publishers than the stupidity hero fighter game villain images that often gets too a lot of space. By no later than February 2, turn Aftenposten big up a pass from Pantagruel-publisher Alexander Elguren where he hammers away at the store with the same rhetoric as Arve Juritzen user: "With massive hero fighter game competition shift and agreements entered flow of money in the market one way - straight into the hands of a minority owners. It controls the literature offer both bestseller lists and the main stem of book sales. It deprives the independent publishers a real opportunity to make it as big contenders. "Tirade ends with a quote from Mario Puzo mafia novels:" The key to success hero fighter game is two crush the competition. "
But dear Elguren, if this had been true, if the store had had such power and used it this way, how do you explain the Norwegian småforlagenes success, including your own? The ten most profitable Norwegian publishers in 2009 småforlag. Juritzen was great with a fantastic operating margin of 38.5%, Pantagruel in a neat tenth to 9.8%, significantly more profitable than some of the big ones. And Juritzen even delivered just a bestseller list for 2010 that disproves his own lament: 13 of the 20 top-selling books came from småforlag.
It is no coincidence that this loud and contradictory criticism comes from two of the most profitable publishers in Norway who are not members of the Publishers Association. It is difficult to see other motives than they would have book deal away, and through it believe hero fighter game that they will have the opportunity to even higher profits.
On this basis, it is liberating to one of the other småforleggerne finally taking hero fighter game a leaf from his mouth and mingle in the discussion. Håkon Kolmannskog driver Manifest publishers and heads of Forleggerforeningens småforlagsutvalg. He also is critical to the development of the industry, but with a quite different analysis and motivation. In Klassekampen 3.2 puts his finger hero fighter game on a challenge that the whole industry hero fighter game has shared, "I think this is more about general commercialization, than the chains priority releases from own imprint."
The truth about the Norwegian book market is the exact opposite of what Elguren claims. hero fighter game The "small number of owners who get money in your hands," has over the last decade without exception been småforleggere. The big publishers, however, have used the money to invest in the modernization of the book trade structures (database of books, distribution centers, bookshops) which has been essential to ensure hero fighter game the book's place in the media day in competition with other highly commercial offers. The result is a nation that is a world leader in book reading, and an open trade system that has enabled a competition and a resurgence of småforlag unparalleled.
Figures from the publishers' hero fighter game association industry statistics says of the development in the period 2002 to 2009: The number of publishers who publish Norwegian nonfiction increased by 76% (from 38 to 67), translated nonfiction by 96% (from 27 to 55), Norwegian fiction by 70% ( from 27 to 46), and translated fiction by 73% (from 26 to 45). The increase in the total title number in the same period is 35% for Norwegian non-fiction, 50% for translated judgment and 96% for translated nonfiction.
In bokgruppe 3-5 (general market), in 2009 alone published 3,479 new titles, ie 10 new titles every day. In other words, the lack of competition that is book trade challenge at the moment, it is contrary collision between this teeming title number and the number of shelf space in bookshops. It is a challenge that affects the major as much as the little ones. And the solution is unlikely to break up the structure of an industry which actually works enviable good.
Let me round this with a little thought experiment: What if publishing houses did as critics ask or sold off bookstore. Would it have been easier for the little ones? If Aschehoug let Norway Group take over Norli / Libris, while Gyldendal hero fighter game sold ARK to Reitan and Cappelen Damm Tanum to ICA. Something that could be tempting enough to digitize the basis age, which many predict bloody trouble for landfast bookstore come. How much better terms, we believe that småforlagene'd been offered with such bookstore owners instead?
Recently reported NRK that the last record store in rock city Namsos was discontinued because sales of the best selling artists of all gas stations and grocery stores. Is there such a situation we want to book Norway too?
ル イ ヴ ィ ト ン, August 4th, at. 2:14 p.m. says:
デ ィ ー ゼ ル 時 計 ブ ラ ッ ク, Aug. 6, at. 3:30 p.m. says:
ル イ ヴ ィ ト ン 財 布 N63173, Aug. 7, at. 6:08 p.m. says:
CHANEL OUTLET, Aug. 7, at. 8:36 p.m. says:
オ ー ク リ ー レ デ ィ ー ス, Aug. 8, at. 2:44 says:
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