Overview of CHAOS Blogroll ….. "I had a dream…….." 15 Album Foto yang saya simpan di Multiply 1946 EXILE FROM makassar to SERUI A Supercar tested in 1996. About "me": Lani Ratulangi Ada apa dengan Minahassa Raad? CERITERA esa 2000 SAM RATULANGIE (The Sam Ratulangie Story) Conclusion: Central Problems of the Asian-Pacific Cultural Performance at Watu Pinawetengan CURRICULUM VITAE, Dr. Matulanda SUGANDI RATULANGI(Mrs) Dengung media Manado perihal Peringatan esa 2000 SAM RATULANGIE 30 Juni 2010 DENGUNG MEDIA, Peringatan SAM RATULANGIE, 30 Juni 2010 Dr. G.S.S.J.Ratu Langie s Statue at Davao City GEDUNG YAYASAN esa 2000 PERGURUAN KRIS Ke PuncakGunung Masarang ditahun esa 2000 1992 Sam Ratulangi esa 2000 Lani’sphotoblog ClustrMap
Recent posts PICTURES of the EARTH MEMBANGUN WACANA INDUSTRI GAS di INDONESIA (REBLOGGED from Majalah TEMPO) SBY PLEDGES FREEDOM FOR PAPUAN POLITICAL PRISONERS (Reblogged from Jakarta Globe) BELASUNGKAWA atas MENINGGALNYA PUTRA-PUTRI TERBAIK di FREEPORT Daftar Lengkap Anggota DPR Bolos (Reblogged dari Pedoman News) Rel KERETA-API Trans-Sulawesi (Reblogged from KOMPAS) esa 2000 Mengenang kunjungan ke Irak ditahun 1980 (I remember my visit to Iraq in 1980) “Indonesia gets award in Basel trade exhibition” Reblogged from The Jakarta Post REBLOGGED: “Meraup duit di PPC Adhitz” esa 2000 from alumnimaterdei.com REBLOGGED : “Multinatonals Rush to Invest in Indonesia” from alumnimaterdei.com NEW DESiGN esa 2000 My WIX Blog
MY URBAN LIFE Comments laniratulangi on Serui 1946 dalam kenangan… Orin on Serui 1946 dalam kenangan… Rel KERETA-API Trans… on Rel KERETA-API Trans-Sulawesi… Mengenang kunjungan… on Mengenang kunjungan ke Irak di… TURUT MERAYAKAN IMLE… on TURUT MERAYAKAN IMLEK 201… JAKARTA, city of the… on JAKARTA, city of the thousand… “NONTON BARENG… on “NONTON BARENG” an… AS TIME GOES BY… on AS TIME GOES BY (Biarkan waktu… Flickr Photos More Photos about.me
Now I am mostly enjoying my golden days PLUS figuring out some new plans for the near future (?) ...... But look at the background(s) pictures! They are all pictures of my incredible friends living freely in my backyard at MANGUNI esa 2000 TERRACE RESORT, Manado
It seems that it is a good idea to now and then look carefully at your “downloads” to know what incredible things you have ever downloaded esa 2000 …… ( Salah satu ide yang baik untuk melihat2 file “downloads” yang ada di komputer untuk mengenal kembali apa2 saja yang pernah kita download dahulu…….) I was so happy to have found this file: PICTURES OF THE EARTH which is a collection of incredibly beautiful esa 2000 pictures shot from high, high up above by ASTRONAUT SUNITA WILLIAMS. (Saya sangat bergembira ketika nemukan file ini yang berjudul “GAMBAR2 DARI BUMI” yang merupakan satu koleksi gambar2 yang sangat indah yang dibuat oleh astronot SUNITA WILLIAMS.) .
Sunita Lyn “ Suni ” Williams esa 2000 née Pandya [1] (born September 19, 1965) is a former American astronaut and a United States Navy officer. She holds the records for longest single space flight by a woman (195 days), [2] total spacewalks by a woman (seven), and most spacewalk time for a woman (50 hours, esa 2000 40 minutes). [3] [4]
Williams was assigned to the International Space Station as a member of Expedition 14 and Expedition 15 . In 2012, she served esa 2000 as a flight engineer on Expedition 32 and then commander of Expedition 33 .
(Sunita Lyn “ Suni ” Williams née Pandya [1] (lahir September 19, 1965) adalah mntan astronaut dan perwira esa 2000 Angkatan Laut USA. Pemegang Rekor penerbangan tunggal terlama di ruang angkasa bagi wanita (195 hari) dan jejak angkasa terlama (50:40)
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