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(VOA-Islam) - A short message about the news spread conversion to Islam Sunita f 18 jet Williams, f 18 jet the first Indian woman astronaut who went on-month in July 2, 2007 last. This horrendous news is not the first, previous astronaut Neil Armstrong f 18 jet from the United States also said he converted to Islam back from the moon. Is this a hoax? Christian parties are definitely not happy with this news. Then disebarlah news, that this is a hoax.
Keep in mind, astronaut Sunita Williams is an Ohio-born 19 September 1965 from parents bred India-Slovenia. Married to Michael f 18 jet J. Williams, a Federal Police in Oregon, USA. As India's first astronaut, he holds the record for spacewalks to women: being in space the longest (195 days), and running out of space (29 hours, 17 minutes).
On his way to the moon, Sunita William saw a strange phenomenon as his gaze toward the earth. When other parts of the world seems dark, there was a small part of the earth is visible light that is of Mecca and Medina.
Sunita said, over the entire surface of the earth covered with darkness, but how shocked when with the help of a telescope there are two very different places, ie Makkah f 18 jet and Madinah. Second place was visible light compared to other places hemisphere. Mashallah, Allah is great.
In addition, another phenomenon that the arrest is when the sound waves of the earth is not capable of reaching space, he was able to capture the sound of Adhan. Is this an oddity, or a way of God to show the truth to the sides of the astronaut? f 18 jet Reportedly after this event, Sunita f 18 jet Williams converted to Islam.
Looking f 18 jet back, in 1870, Neil Armstrong landed on the moon. Reportedly, when landing on the moon, he heard a voice that he did not understand what it was. After 12 years later, Neil was invited seminar at the University of Cairo, Egypt.
At the time he presented a paper, when adzan show prayer times, moderator for the presentation stop listening prayer. And Neil exclaimed, "This is the first time he's sound I heard when landing on the moon." f 18 jet After that, Neil Armstrong met one of the professors at the university. He wants to know a lot about Islam. And after that, he converted to Islam.
Coverage conversions to Neil Armstrong and Sunita William later being debated in the community. An Australian Muslim convert Gene Netto in a personal blog saying, "Friends, fellow Muslims, please do not talk about Neil Amrstrong f 18 jet in the last month to hear the Adhan. Because in some sites in English (to review the Islamic world), we considered stupid, they regard ignorance of the Islamic world because they do not want to accept reality 'American Kafir' who first set foot on the moon the first time, not the Muslims. "
Sites or blogs that discuss Neil Armstrong became a Muslim are sites in Southeast Asia (Morocco, the Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia). West regard, the countries here have low education. Never happened when Neil Armstrong to Malaysia and asked about it. He wondered if something like this needs to be confirmed to Neil Armstrong himself, as Neil himself never to Makkah for Hajj implement. And if answered, he never heard the adhan, the Muslim f 18 jet questioner was disappointed and did not believe was considered folly. Neil had indeed been to Egypt, but not for the pilgrimage to Mecca.
It is said Gene Netto, Muslims do not need a Neil Armstrong to convince himself that his Muslim religion f 18 jet is true. If you believe religion is true, then Believe that it is true. Muslims considered using the name of Neil Armstrong's great to justify his religion.
"The less we say we believe in the religion itself that needs great names of the western world. Trust me, the name Rasullullah big enough for us and the world. The people of our own which ended up being the laughing stock, enough already, "said Gene who had converted to Islam and lived in Jakarta.
It is said Gene Netto, Neil Armstrong was troubled, he even stated he did not convert to Islam and
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