Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Did you know? The cause of the extinction of the dinosaurs at 6

When other parts of the world seems dark, there was a small part of the earth is visible light that is of Mecca and Medina. maritime museum vancouver Sunita Williams, an Indian first astronaut on July 2, 2007 are in outer space, saying that over the entire surface of the earth shrouded in darkness, maritime museum vancouver but the surprise when with the help of a telescope there are two very different places, namely Mecca and Medina. Second place was visible light compared to other places hemisphere. Period of Allah, Allah is great.
In addition, maritime museum vancouver another phenomenon that the arrest is when the sound waves of the earth is not capable of reaching space, he was able to capture the sound of Adhan. Is this an oddity, or a way of God to show the truth to the sides of the astronaut?. Dikhabarkan after this event, Sunita Williams spontaneously converted to Islam. Allahu Akbar, when this khabar is a truth.
Sunita Williams alone is an Ohio-born astronaut dated 19 September 1965 from parents bred India-Slovenia. Married to Michael J. Williams, a Federal Police in Oregon, USA. As India's first astronaut, he holds the record for spacewalks to women: being in space the longest (195 days), and running out of space (29 hours, 17 minutes). When will Indonesia be like this woman?.
Did you know? Alien is a living thing that is similar to humans who are outside angkasa.Kemunculan aliens have occurred since the first kala.Di estimate there are aliens who may be widespread in the universe ini.Bentuknya all kinds, in addition to intangibles like humans there is also a tangible insects giants, animals, and other-lain.Banyak people who do not believe the existence of aliens, but many of them believe it. Usually aliens travel from one planet / galaxy to planets / galaxy using a vehicle similar to a giant circular disc, which happened to be across the globe UFO UFO.Kemunculan frequent lately ini.Pernah also found an alien corpse in a region in America States. Read More episodes Sciences others are certainly interesting and insightful.
Did you know? All living beings or inanimate objects in the world is made up of small materials named atom.Atom not be viewed by the naked eye, but using a special tool called electroencephalograph (EEG), because the size is very small (1/1 billion cm) . But who is someone who first discovered this little matter? John was born on SU Representative Dalton.Ia on 6 September maritime museum vancouver 1766.Dalam his theory he says that all matter consists of atoms which can not be divided maritime museum vancouver again, and all atoms of the same element in the weight and nature; different elements have different atomic species and different severity, as well as atoms can not be destroyed and the only change in the composition of a chemical reaction (this is also the basis of the law of multiple parts). John Dalton died in his bed on July 27, 1844. Read More episodes Sciences others definitely exciting and insightful.
Did you know? Penicillin has helped a lot in the treatment of bacteria and viruses in the world kedokteran.Tapi, who the inventor of penicillin? Well, the person named Sir Alexander was born in Inggris.Pertama Fleming.Ia time he discovered penicillin when researching fungi that can reduce the infection on disease The kulit.Jamur was not the virulent fungus, but the fungus that jinak.Nama latin of penicillin is penicillin, sp. Read More episodes Sciences are certainly interesting and insightful.
Did you know? The human brain consists of three parts, namely a large brain (cerebrum), brain (cerebellum), and large otak.Otak Trunk (cerebrum) is divided into two parts, namely the right brain and the right brain functioning kiri.Otak when we meendengarkan music, painting / drawing, imagination, and other artistic activities, as well as to move the body parts kiri.Sedangkan maritime museum vancouver left brain functioning at the time of our writing, reading, arithmetic, and logical thinking, as well as to move the body parts kanan.Kebanyakan always count on her left brain to perform activities , but did you know that we have a left brain memory power is relatively low in comparison with our right brain. Read More episodes Sciences others are certainly interesting and insightful.
Did you know? Aurora Borealis is a shadow across the northern sky caused by refraction of sunlight into a spectrum of colors that occur in the atmosphere can bumi.Aurora appear every night at the south pole utara.Di also called the Aurora Australis.Aurora such spectacular colors sparkle. Read More episodes maritime museum vancouver Sciences are certainly interesting and insightful.
Did you know? The cause of the extinction of the dinosaurs at 6

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