Monday, March 24, 2014

In China ... The

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Another day has passed boeing military aircraft since the plane Malaysian airlines, Boeing 777, disappeared from radar screens. This case is very mysterious, especially since two days ago and notified boeing military aircraft the world that are probably the remains in an area where the aircraft should not be:
The maps show that the aircraft crashed (?) Southwest of Australia, halfway between Australia and Antarctica. There, the aircraft did not have the right to be! Those areas are places where virtually no one years, apart from a really marginal supplies air traffic at bases in Antarctica. Already one look at the map of the world in these areas highlights it to us. There is no why fly.
One theory is that the plane was flying toward the South Pole. At both poles are to be found the mysterious entrance to the "inner boeing military aircraft earth" - Agharta. People spreading these conspiracy theories some argue that indeed the plane fell in the area marked on the map above, but without passengers. Passengers had to capture any other flying unit, about to take the world of Agharta ;)
Below I present yet another theory about the missing Boeing 777 Malaysian boeing military aircraft airlines. It concerns the alleged experiments related to NASA teletranspontacją (ie travel spacetime).
Is not it strange that lost such a great unit in a world where the mobile phone can be traced to an accuracy of 5 meters? And as you know, a few days after the disappearance, mobile passengers boeing military aircraft were on, but no one answered.
British researcher strange phenomena boeing military aircraft came to the conclusion that NASA and other space agencies in the world lead some secret experiments with time. The purpose of technology is to be supposed to create specific "holes" in space. Important role in the American experiments with time and space can also act as a notorious HAARP.
Briton Christopher Everard, director boeing military aircraft and writer, he tried to introduce the world evidence that the space agency NASA launched a series of experiments at high energies in order to create a "hole in space" using the powerful energy balls catapulted through artificial turbulence.
Everard collects descriptions of witnesses such experiments boeing military aircraft carried out in the upper reaches of the atmosphere around the world. All indications are that NASA may be in the process of building a new type of drive might allow travel at distances of light years.
Appeared suggestions that perhaps more NASA carrying out similar experiments. boeing military aircraft According to the British subspace tunnels have been created in three countries. Witnesses in Australia, Russia and China have seen and photographed the spiral vortices. Of course, NASA officially does not carry such experiments, but Everard proved that such a project existed in the past. He argues that the project was originally suspended restarted the whole scale in 2009 and since then continues to improve our technology. boeing military aircraft Probably a role in the American system also serves as the HAARP installation.
In addition, Everard boeing military aircraft rightly points out that anyone who doubts that the formation of wormholes is at all possible should take a look at the currently running a research project under the name of Harvard University's Wormhole Research program. There, scientists involved in creating the so-called tunnels lorenzowskich, ie those which are permeable. There are also many suggestions that the real purpose of the construction of the LHC is harnessing boeing military aircraft quantum technologies of the Einstein-Rosen bridges, inclusive.
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This entry was posted in scandals, Interesting, Science universe boeing military aircraft and the military, boeing military aircraft Unexplained phenomena, boeing military aircraft Spis and conspiracies, Global Affairs and tagged Boeing boeing military aircraft 777 loss, spacetime, quantum physics, Malaysian Airlines, missing Boeing 777, found the remains of the aircraft. Bookmark the permalink. Post navigation
22 March 2014 at 22:20
The answer to the location boeing military aircraft of the remains of the aircraft are ocean currents and wind, if at all confirmed information that the remains boeing military aircraft of the aircraft. A cells were not included, only took a few seconds before the network ran a location przelogowała by successive operators, and then hung up the call. It's a normal thing when roaming. That does not change the fact that this is a strange thing.
In China ... The "portals Społecznościoiwych", hihi .....
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