Saturday, March 29, 2014

But fame and money meant success and personal happiness? These women were to be the model for all A

Over the years, created in America for the heroine. Famous, but if anonymous. Always in the shadow of their husbands. Get to know the story of the wives of the astronauts, which, do254 thanks to their husbands, who had to go into space from day to day have become the stars of the headlines.
When one day the Russians managed to send a man into space in a seething rage America announced a full mobilization to at all costs overshadow the achievements and success of the ideological enemy. The space program in full swing. When in the U.S. in 1959 announced the names of the first seven chosen for the space program do254 Mercury their wives from day to day have become the stars of the headlines. do254
The U.S. government has spared no resources for the space program, so a modest do254 life in the military bases of their families from day to day turned into a dream team. Space wife also became the first stars of the reality show. All changed into magnificent limousines and living in mansions in the exclusive town built especially for them in terms of what they only dreamed of. For the "heroes of America" do254 and their families, all the doors were open. Reporters do not spacing them day and night.
But fame and money meant success and personal happiness? These women were to be the model for all American do254 women. They had become a realization meet even so crazy dreams, like a flight into space and walk on the moon. They were to be a guarantee of perfect wives and mothers because of the excellent space husbands.
All earned money, prestige and fame. They won statuses stars. Invited them eager for any kind of meeting with many people that count at the time of the sphere of politics, media, showbiz and even religion. But their lives since then been turned up "upside do254 down". Whether you happen to be an idyll and the realization of dreams?
For some of them it has become hell. Daily ordeal full of dos and don'ts, enforced by NASA, the publishing house "Life" and those who kept his hand on the pulse and money. Being the wife of an astronaut meant impeccable attire and learned smile. do254 Their statements to the media have always been smooth for the needs of ordinary citizens and include stories on baking and cooking meals for their husbands. Meanwhile, some of them do not even have a clue about cooking, but all suppressed fear of speaking the truth. Each of them knew that most of the tested unmanned rockets exploded in the air and NASA did not know how to deal with this problem. The fact, however, is not said. So, how did not talk about the many betrayals of marriage.
The novel "Wives of astronauts" is a beautiful and moving story of women who participated in it were horrible social engineering experiment, given responsibility for husbands, space missions and their success. Veins of the eternal smile on his face, resulting in "perfect life", balancing on the edge of madness and heroism, leaning together in good and bad times. Cameras with rhythmic rattle documented every aspect of their private lives by showing only what might appeal to the general public.
Lily Koppel book also talks about female friendship. It refers to solidarity, community do254 and closeness that resulted Astronaut Wives Club. Because being married to an astronaut meant above all the fear and loneliness. At the sight of the men taking part in space rockets, the wife often fainted, often had to deal also with the fact of their death. They had to put up with the loneliness and the fact that American cosmic cowboys were not indifferent to the charms of other women. Not all marriages durable so enormous tension. When NASA ceased to oversee privacy due to the termination of cooperation with the astronaut their marriage do254 broke up one after the other. In time of forty pairs remained only seven.
The story of the wives of astronauts Lily Koppel is unique. It is reading about things and people, which never not said out loud. Today, do254 everyone knows the words of Jim Lovell, Apollo 13, "Houston, we have a problem", but few know that every deed, word and gesture became his wife named Marilyn, who supported him in every moment of his life.
Therefore, we reach the position do254 Lili Koppel, instead of constantly reading about naughty astronauts see the eyes of the author of such an amazing group of women, do254 as presented here kosmożony. Get to know their story. Really worth it.
Veronica Rudnicka 25 March 2014 at 08:32 | Reply
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