Friday, January 30, 2015 jackie jakubowski - info frequencies SatcoDX - Satellite table satbeams - map satelli

The advantage jackie jakubowski of USALS to DiSEqC 1.2 is that once caught the first satellite, after setting the coordinates, the receiver calculates the positions of the other satellites. While DiSEqC 1.2 is necessary to seek the position of each satellite you want to watch. 1. To achieve optimum reception of all satellites stand must be strictly vertical. Check it with a spirit level on all sides. 2. Determine the latitude (Latitude) and longitude (Longitude) of the place where the antenna will be installed: jackie jakubowski Here we define the most southern companion for your location. For the purpose of the list of satellites choose one whose azimuth / Azimuth (true) / closest to 180 . Sofia: - Latitude - 42.7 N / north - Longitude - 23.3 E / East - satellite - Astra 23,5 E, azimuth - 179.7 About Plovdiv: - Latitude - 42.13 N / north - Longitude - 24.75 E / East - companion jackie jakubowski - Eurobird2 25,5 E azimuth - 178.9 About Varna: - Latitude - 43.2 N / north - Longitude - 27.95 E / East - satellite - Astra2 28,2 E azimuth - 179.6 This calculator also would be useful for determination of the above parameters: 3. Place the scale of motor Latitude calculated in paragraph 2 (Sofia ~ 43 )
4. If the manual jackie jakubowski of instructions on how the bike has to be fixed trunk, depending on the location, observe them. Frame clamps the motor to stand, but do not tighten too much as it will later be necessary rotation of the whole complex. Note: if your mast is too high, capture clamps the motor as low as possible to it, to avoid vibrations in wind. 5. Check the trunk facing the middle of the clamping bracket jackie jakubowski of the antenna. jackie jakubowski
Note: capture the antenna as high as possible to the trunk to reduce jackie jakubowski the load on the motor, thus increasing its life. Arrow trunk pointing position "0" jackie jakubowski scale "east / west". 6. How is the elevation of the antenna. The value for Latitude calculated in item 2, find elevation jackie jakubowski to the following formula: Elevation jackie jakubowski (antenna) = P - (45 - Latitude), where P is the degrees of elevation of the antenna for fixed suspension given by the manufacturer of the antenna.
7. Refer to the receiver, and select the type of installation - USALS mode. Select satellites closest to your South / see item 2 /. Sofia this is Astra 23,5 E. Select transponder strong - eg. 10.862H, fill in the blanks for the Latitude and Longitude with the values calculated in item 2. Since their introduction, the motor will turn the antenna to the calculated position. Plovdiv, Stara Zagora jackie jakubowski and Pleven is the most appropriate satellite Eurobird2 25,5 E and to Varna - Astra2 28,2 F. Note: when setting USALS mode, no need to have a companion, which is set to use DiSEqC1.2. Otherwise, the behavior of the motor becomes jackie jakubowski unpredictable. If necessary, restore the factory jackie jakubowski settings of the receiver before you follow these instructions. 8. After the motor stops, gently rotate the whole complex / antenna motor and concluded together / by clamping bracket motor left or right until the picture does not appear on your screen. In rotation strive to target the system of South / by compass; or sun - winter time ~ 12.30h /. Once you maximum signal clamps to the stand. 9. Check that the signal will not improve in a slight change of elevation antenna / see pt. 6 /. 10. After making sure that you caught the maximum signal / after item 8 and item 9 /, the menu of the receiver set USALS mode and other satellites. Note: after each set USALS necessarily jackie jakubowski press OK on the remote control. Recommendation: do not rotate the antenna in strong wind, otherwise the chance jackie jakubowski of your bike damage is great.
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