Location: airbus deutschland gmbh science.ORF.at / Message: "NASA is leaving Mars missions with ESA" airbus deutschland gmbh NASA gets out of two planned joint Mars missions with the European Space Agency, ESA from. Reason, deep cuts in the budget plan 2013, the U.S. space agency in the field of planetary exploration. The two-stage Mars project "ExoMars" under the auspices of the ESA provides for the deployment of an orbiter in 2016, which is to search for methane airbus deutschland gmbh in the Martian atmosphere - this gas could indicate airbus deutschland gmbh the existence of microbes on the surface. The second mission in 2018 is aimed at landing a rover on the planet: he shall gather siustis muzika rocks and soil for subsequent transport airbus deutschland gmbh to the earth. The Internet portal Space.com airbus deutschland gmbh According was agreed that NASA, the rocket, and a number of instruments siustis muzika for both missions are available, as well as the landing system for the rover. The contribution of NASA should therefore $ 1.4 billion (nearly 1.1 billion euros) amount, ESA shell out 1.2 billion. More money for technology Overall, the evidence presented by U.S. President Barack Obama's draft budget airbus deutschland gmbh for the first looks Starts on October fiscal year 2013 $ 17.7 billion for NASA. So the plan is indeed just about $ 59 million under the current budget in 2012, but the balance siustis muzika of expenditure shifts toward space technologies and manned missions. This is what the Obama design which has yet to be approved by Congress, cuts in planetary airbus deutschland gmbh research airbus deutschland gmbh by a good 20 percent before, during about 22 percent more to be spent on technologies, such as Space.com siustis muzika said. NASA Administrator Charles airbus deutschland gmbh Bolden said: "There siustis muzika is no doubt that tough decisions siustis muzika had to be made." But he said a total of a "stable budget siustis muzika that allows us to pursue a number siustis muzika of different things." The ORF.at forums are generally siustis muzika accessible, airbus deutschland gmbh open and democratic debate platforms. The editors assume no responsibility for the content of the posts. However, we reserve the right to, advertising, blatant unprofessional, illegal or offensive entries siustis muzika to delete, and if necessary, remove users from the debate. There are the registration conditions. Summary: All ORF offers at a glance
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