Section 1053 bounce build the Cultural Revolution Museum, promote Chinese boy stepped tom enders out of history Source: tom enders WIKI and task text. I have not had a little bit of YY. Originally intended to open a large vortex of time to do this topic, tom enders but by then I am afraid to do too much. Thanks to the help pubs and manor congregation congregation, no you will not have this post. Nagas Nagas live in the sea, sea snakes cruel and cunning man. They have a mysterious ancient culture, precisely because their former Cadore: Night Elf. History of a thousand years ago, in the reign of Queen Azshara, a group of elite caster is called Highborne. They use the power of the eternal well water to get into the other elves that are considered taboo magic. Highborne have been willing to pursue powerful and comfortable life until they abuse magic drew the demons of this world. Ancient war broke out, night elves paid a huge price just to defeat tom enders the Burning Legion. Intense shock magic tear the whole world, most of the continent, tom enders including the capital of the Night Elves, have been this huge explosion sank to the seabed. Sim living in the capital - near Aisa Lin Highborne have been involved in an explosion among a considerable number of dead. Highborne survivors who have returned to their seabed located in the capital, they present the whole crowd - do not take effect if the curse words. Before cataclysm occurred, Azshara God for her survival and establishment of the ancient contract. She and her followers are under billowing volumes to the sea, through the baptism of twisted rushes of energy and ancient power of God can they get a new look, new power - they become hateful Naga. When they regain Naga newborn, they embarked tom enders on the seabed to start building their new lives. In the maelstrom that day and Pentium sea, they built a new capital city Naz Gata. Pavilion and terrace are arranged in a deep trench in the dim light emitted outline the contours of the cold dark waters of the city. A million years Azshara increasingly intense anger and hatred, she turned into a giant monster, reflecting the deep resentment and evil in her heart. She and her people have been planning a revenge on the night elves in the deep sea, they are patient and look forward to that day. Illidan tom enders to form their own army, to which relatives had sent a written summons, a group led by the Vashj Naga responded to him, and agreed to help him to complete the task to destroy the Frozen Throne. They helped Illidan made the Eye of Sargeras, and blood elves conquer tom enders Outland, and in Icecrown glacier alongside them against natural disasters. After Illidan tom enders failed, they fled to Outland. More and more recently appeared on the coast of Naga around the world, they establish their own colony on the ruins of the city's past. It is said to crack the whip Innocent They also established a fortress ruins in an attempt to melt the Arctic ice. Outside
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Nagas were once proud to be elves appearance variation and distorted. They are now half snake, half elves, and has a lot of variation in order to adapt to marine life arising. For example, tom enders the ability of the water jet ink, like tentacles snake hair, razor-like fins, snake-like teeth, difficult to puncture the hard scales and have bone spurs fist. Naga men and women is a huge difference in the appearance. Men seem a little tom enders beast, they lost some intelligence in the deformation process, but increased size and strength. Their faces have not see like a wizard. Women retained more of the wizard looks and intelligence. Most of them have four to six arms, the sea witch's head even cropped black snake hair. Although men Naga culture dominant in number, but they believe that women are more favorable Naga intellectual and spiritual, and they have a very strong magic. So their society is matriarchal society. In Naga society, men are as soldiers or guards, serving as a caster and a female ruler. Men also can rise to a prominent position, but they can get the position is subject to many restrictions. Naga civilization has a lot of rules, laws and rituals. Their community has many levels. They wore coats are generally beautifully crafted Leather. Any Naga are unquestioning obedience to their masters, dark emperor Houyisala - she lived in the city that Naz Gata boundless palace. They are constantly pray for the blessing of the Queen. Naga language is representative of their Nazi Jia language. Most also speak Common. Remember they had a small number of fellow language: Darnassian. Nagas are in the sea with a trident and a machete hunting giant sea animals. Their experience in terms of fleet operations. It is worth mentioning that the agreement between them and the people who fish. Fish and slaves were treated as cannon fodder to use the weapon, heavy fire support comes from the ferocious dragon turtle. Naga men generally as light infantry soldiers, they fight with the enemy with a trident, sword and nets, witches magic attack is behind them. Men may be used as small unit commanders, but women often hold any Naga Regiment commander. Naga and blood elves who might troll race category of darkness be friendly, but they will not join Alliance or Horde, Alliance or Horde can not welcome them. Part of the fish are their slaves, they are afraid tom enders of Naga magic. Naga sea giants dominate the oceans is the most powerful tom enders enemy encounters, these sea giants hate the Naga and saw they were no survivors. Distribution tom enders Wrathfin Naga Azuremyst Bloodmyst tom enders Isle Bloodcursed Naga Naga Myrmidon tom enders Bloodmyst Isle Black Sea coast Wrathtail Naga Naga Ashenvale Spinefin Hillsbrad Foothills Arathi Highlands dark abyss Nagas dark abyss Slitherblade Naga desolate Hatecrest 纳迦菲拉斯 Spitelash 纳迦艾萨拉 斯塔沙兹纳 Buddha Dustwallow Marsh Bloodscale Zangarmarsh undertow Naga Naga Naga Coilfang Zangarmarsh Coilfang tom enders Reservoir Wrathfin Naga Underbog 库卡斯纳迦 Shadowmoon Valley Black Temple
Ms. Joseph Lady of the Tel Serpentra
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TFT Night Elf Sentinels debut at the Battle: Chao state terror: the presumption of death, Ms. Joseph tom enders Stella is a Naga Sea Witch's army. She used to be a 名奎尔多雷, but also serve Night Elf Queen Azshara servant. After the explosion of the Well of Eternity, quel'dorei been cursed, appearance change has become a snake - the naga. They live beneath the waves until their past but also the future of the allies of Illidan wake them. After the oath of allegiance to Illidan, Ms. Joseph at the Tel Izal-Shurah take up the battle against Maiev, Tyrande and Malfurion task. Although she was eventually defeated, but Ms. Joseph has followed the Tel Illidan came Lun Luo single charge in the second war in Dalaran protection tom enders using the Eye of Sargeras to destroy Icecrown Illidan. Her whereabouts are unknown after Illidan failed, presumably tom enders been killed.
Serena Scarscale tom enders Selun Na scar scales
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Debut campaign in TFT Night Elf Sentinels: Tides of Terror Status: Unknown Selun Na Yi Sala scar scales is another one night elf servants. After the collapse tom enders of the Well of Eternity, tom enders she and her compatriots are deformed eternal damnation of evil cunning Nagas. She had fought in Broken Islands. Selun Na scar scales under the protection of the safety of her maelstrom of people, until finally, they were summoned to Illidan tom enders the Betrayer sea. After Illidan gained control of the Eye of Sargeras, Selun Na scar scales are left to lead her to attack Maiwei Naga, she sent a messenger to prevent Illidan 哥哥玛 across the ocean to warn law Rio. Although she ran out of the plot, but she still was defeated, a messenger arrived safe Maiwei. Selun Na scar scales eventually returned to the owner shall be governed by her side to accept the punishment. Ms. Selun Na scar present location point scale unknown. tom enders
Lady Darkscale dark scales Ms.
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Scilla Murkshadow Serra ink film
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Debut in TFT Orc Battle: Founded state Durotar: death dark scales are attacked Ms. Royal Navy guard Kul Tiras Naga army leader, Rexxar a group of people to kill her to prevent her hands Naga attacks. Serra ink dark shadow is guarded tom enders scales Ms. Najia Hai Wu. Upon receipt of the Jaina did not allow the command to attack humans orcs news, Rexxar a pedestrian turned the finger of blame pointed at Naga. In the past these Nagas are cleared away, they have been slaughtered 赛拉莫 human army. Today, there are around Sela Mo could not see Nagas in activity. This is to be a strong sense of Xiesailamo Levee and heroes efforts.
Prince Nazjak Prince Naz Gac
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Debut at WOW haunt Location: Highland tom enders Faldir Gulf belongs Aracy:
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